Body, Education, Getting Healthy, Mind, Passing Info On, Work From Home

Cancer, Health, Overall Wellness

I wish I could say that my eating habits were perfect and I only made good choices. But I am not perfect. There are times I make really poor choices. Like today, I really wanted a sweet treat and so I ate marshmallows. While it isn't an overall bad choice, my body doesn't do well… Continue reading Cancer, Health, Overall Wellness

Body, Education, Financial, Getting Healthy, Mind, Passing Info On, Work From Home

We Make No Apologies For Running A Business And Living A Healthy Life

I have been questioning who I am and if Jack and I are doing the correct things lately. Making a choice to do certain things don't always make us popular with family and friends. That would cause me to question if it was the correct choice. I do not need their approval for the life… Continue reading We Make No Apologies For Running A Business And Living A Healthy Life

Body, Getting Healthy, Mind

Think One Change – Hydrate

If you are attempting to make any changes in your life, that can be overwhelming. When most people who are unhealthy decide to make a change, it is an all or nothing mentality. So you decide you want to change and the next day you are going to be doing everything correct and making it… Continue reading Think One Change – Hydrate

Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Tower Garden, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

Work From Home (Actually Anywhere)

I am going to share a secret with you. I had surgery last week Monday. I could not do anything for the week but rest and more resting. I had some complications and ended up being admitted to the hospital on Saturday. I spent my birthday in the hospital. I had a second surgery on… Continue reading Work From Home (Actually Anywhere)

Education, Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Tower Garden, Work From Home

Eating Healthy (Capsules) Changes Lives

There are just no words to explain how fruits, veggies and berries have changed this family. I know I have talked about some of the things it has helped with before but I want to review some of it. I have had pain and discomfort in my face for a long time now. It has… Continue reading Eating Healthy (Capsules) Changes Lives

Education, Faith, Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Memories, Tower Garden, Video, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

Work at Home Entrepreneurs Academy

You would think that working at home is just that. Work from home and do what you want. However I have been truly blessed by this group I am a part of. Our team and a couple other teams, top members got together to create an academy to help us grow our life. It has… Continue reading Work at Home Entrepreneurs Academy

Education, Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Tower Garden, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

24 Hours Only

24 HOURS ONLY: $50 if you purchase Tower Garden*                                                                                            … Continue reading 24 Hours Only

Education, Getting Healthy, Passing Info On, Vacation, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

Happy Anniversary!

That is right. As of this week my family has been on Juice Plus for eight months! We have been making healthier choices for eight months (for the most part). We received our last shipment to make it a full year. What you are looking at is our four month supply of Juice Plus (minus… Continue reading Happy Anniversary!

Faith, Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Memories, Passing Info On, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

Own Your Life

Are you happy with your life? I mean really happy with your life? Why do you continue to do what you do? What is your why in life? I am owning my life. As a husband and wife we are owning our life. For a long time I really believed that if I wanted the… Continue reading Own Your Life

Education, Juice Plus+, Memories, Passing Info On

Red Nose Day

Well Red Nose Day is actually on May 26th but I am doing my part and so is Jack David! God blessed me with Juice Plus and took my red nose away! So I added my own red nose to help support poverty of children! ‪#‎thinkonechange‬‪  #‎ownyourlife‬ ‪#‎GodissoGood‬ ‪#‎jplife‬ That is in our state!… Continue reading Red Nose Day