Mind, Passing Info On, Relationship

The Ebb and Flow of Marriage Sometimes Needs Some Guidance

All relationships have ebb and flow! I don't think arming yourself with tools is a bad thing. Currently Jack and I are doing this thing at church called, "Connect". At first it was learning about your temperament. Which was really interesting. I had learned mine a LONG time ago. I had used it for a… Continue reading The Ebb and Flow of Marriage Sometimes Needs Some Guidance

Faith, Getting Healthy, Mind, Spiritual

FerVent Wrap Up

All of our (extra) church activities wrapped up this past week. We had our final gathering for our women's Bible study. We had our final class on Jeremiah. We had our final class on Matthew, Mark and Luke. Our Wednesday evening dinners finished up. I know we all need a break to relax, have fun… Continue reading FerVent Wrap Up

Faith, Getting Healthy, Work From Home

The Struggle Is Real With The Flesh

Today is Friday and since February 10, 2017 that means I am volunteering at church. I am in with the children who are sixth grade and above. We do have a couple  who are old enough to be in the sixth grade but are in fifth. We let them join us and so far we… Continue reading The Struggle Is Real With The Flesh

Education, Faith, Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Mental Health, Tower Garden, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

A Look Backwards and Ahead

Today is January 1, 2017. The last year has brought about a lot of change in our lives. Things you could both see and could not see.  One of the things you could see was my weight loss over the year and my face getting better! There were a lot of things that changed inside… Continue reading A Look Backwards and Ahead

Education, Faith, Getting Healthy, Passing Info On, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

Being the Me God Created Me To Be

I belong to a woman's Bible study. From September to May we meet on Wednesday morning and discuss the chapter we read for whatever book one of the leaders has picked. Since we started meeting in September we have been reading, "You're Loved No Matter What. Freeing Your Heart from the Need to be Perfect"… Continue reading Being the Me God Created Me To Be

Education, Essential Oils, Juice Plus+, Memories, Passing Info On, Young Living Essential Oils

I Believe

I know not everyone believes in God. I know this because we live in a fallen world. There is evil in the world. There is heartache. I have a child who used to believe and doesn't anymore. I have a child who believed, didn't believe and now believes again. I grew up Catholic, never really… Continue reading I Believe

Education, Essential Oils, Juice Plus+, Memories, Passing Info On, Young Living Essential Oils

My Life Is Not My Own

God knows my heart. God knows my fears. God knows my joys. God knows my sadness. God knows my biggest fear. My life is not my own. I have decided to follow Jesus and to have a relationship with the Trinity. That means that my life is not my own. One problem I have is… Continue reading My Life Is Not My Own

Education, Essential Oils, Giveaway, Memories, Young Living Essential Oils

Forgive; Yourself

A really big theme has been coming up over and over again lately: FORGIVE YOURSELF AMY! When you have a past; and who doesn't have one of those, you have to learn how to forgive yourself for mistakes you have made. If you have stopped making those mistakes and have moved on, if you have… Continue reading Forgive; Yourself

Essential Oils, Giveaway, Young Living Essential Oils


We can all use a little humility in our lives. Most of us have it already but each of us could use a little more. Humility is defined as: a modest or low view of one's own importance; humbleness. Having humility does not make you think less of yourself but it does make you think… Continue reading Humility