Work From Home

See Your Goals? Now Get Your Goals!

Anyone of us can wish we had this or were doing that. It is easy to dream and wish and want. My children have become proficient at wishing and wanting. This is something we are reallly working on with them. We are trying to each them that dreaming, wishing and wanting goes no where if… Continue reading See Your Goals? Now Get Your Goals!

Faith, Getting Healthy, Mind, Spiritual

FerVent Wrap Up

All of our (extra) church activities wrapped up this past week. We had our final gathering for our women's Bible study. We had our final class on Jeremiah. We had our final class on Matthew, Mark and Luke. Our Wednesday evening dinners finished up. I know we all need a break to relax, have fun… Continue reading FerVent Wrap Up

Education, Faith, Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Mental Health, Passing Info On, Video, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

Marriage Is…

Marriage is not what most young couples think it is. Marriage is work. You cannot just get married and think you are going to live happily ever after. You have to communicate. You have to trust. You have to love. You have to respect. You have to keep trying even when you want to give… Continue reading Marriage Is…

Education, Essential Oils, Young Living Essential Oils

How Do You Decide (Part 1)…

How do you decide which essential oil companies are a good choice for you and your family? Is there a way to know which essential oil companies are a good choice for you and your family? David Stewart, Ph.D. wrote a book called, Healing Oils of the Bible and in his book he has "Twelve Questions to… Continue reading How Do You Decide (Part 1)…

Education, Essential Oils, Giveaway, Recipe, Young Living Essential Oils

At Home Spa Facial

I am a mom and because of that I do not have a lot of extra time for me. I have thought about what I would do with extra time and I have a few things on that list: Go to an actual salon to have my hair done, get a massage, have a spa… Continue reading At Home Spa Facial