Faith, Getting Healthy, Mind, Spiritual

FerVent Wrap Up

All of our (extra) church activities wrapped up this past week. We had our final gathering for our women's Bible study. We had our final class on Jeremiah. We had our final class on Matthew, Mark and Luke. Our Wednesday evening dinners finished up. I know we all need a break to relax, have fun… Continue reading FerVent Wrap Up

Education, Essential Oils, Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Memories, Mind, Passing Info On, Vacation, Young Living Essential Oils

Back In Action

I think I need a vacation from vacation! It is going to be hard getting back into the swing of things and I'm sure I'll be delayed a little bit. I'll get there though. Yesterday we had an enjoy time recouping from vacation. Since our visit to Dinsey and going through their house, the kiddos… Continue reading Back In Action

Education, Essential Oils, Memories, Young Living Essential Oils

Inside Out Movie

While I have used this image before only the children and hubby had seen the movie. I just watched it tonight and completely fell in love with it. It is a fabulous movie showing and talking about feelings. Love, love, love, love If you have not seen it, you need to see it! If you… Continue reading Inside Out Movie