Faith, Getting Healthy, Mind, Spiritual

FerVent Wrap Up

All of our (extra) church activities wrapped up this past week. We had our final gathering for our women's Bible study. We had our final class on Jeremiah. We had our final class on Matthew, Mark and Luke. Our Wednesday evening dinners finished up. I know we all need a break to relax, have fun… Continue reading FerVent Wrap Up

Faith, Getting Healthy, Mind, Spiritual

FerVent Prayer Strategy Ten

Each week from September to May I attend a Bible study at my church. It is a woman's bible study and I enjoy everything about it! I have had the privlege of learning from each of these ladies and become friends with so many of them. It has been such a perfect place for me… Continue reading FerVent Prayer Strategy Ten

Faith, Getting Healthy, Mind, Spiritual

Your Hurts Need Forgiveness For Freedom

So not long ago I had been thinking about, working through and studying forgiveness. I had posted a bunch of verses about forgiveness here. Then I went into what it means here. Of course then in our Bible study on Wednesday we come Your Hurts. In my Wednesday morning woman's Bible study we are reading… Continue reading Your Hurts Need Forgiveness For Freedom

Faith, Getting Healthy, Spiritual

Pressures In Life Can Overwhelm

Last week in Bible study, I struggled. I could not get through the chapter. My focus was missing. Every time I tried to read it, pressures in life took over. My mind would wander and I would close the book, again. I could not figure out what was really going on. Which was kind of… Continue reading Pressures In Life Can Overwhelm

Faith, Getting Healthy

Your Past Does Not Define You

In my Wednesday morning Bible study we are working through a book titled FerVent by Priscilla Shirer. She was in the movie War Room and she played the character Elizabeth. She wrote this book after doing the movie and I will forever be thankful.  This Strategy 5 was actually a couple weeks ago now. I wasn't… Continue reading Your Past Does Not Define You

Faith, Getting Healthy

Don’t Live In Fear

We are still working our way through the book FerVent by Priscilla Shirer. We tackled Strategy Six yesterday. When you allow God to work in your life, and you listen to Him, you really see where you are struggling. It isn't because He is condemning you, it is because He is helping correct and guide.… Continue reading Don’t Live In Fear

Faith, Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Tower Garden, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

Struggle Is Real

I tend to share a lot of what goes on in our personal life here. I can't help it. This is who I am. I am really starting to love the person who I was created to be. Part of that person, shares and is open and real. In Bible study we are reading the… Continue reading Struggle Is Real