Getting Healthy, Mental Health, Mind, Relationship

I Would Like To Order Advice and Wise Counsel, With A Side of Support But Hold The Judgment and Negativity Please!

I do not hide that I am a Christian. I do not hide that I am a sinner. I do not hide that I have things that I need to work on in my life. My thoughts are not always what they should be. My actions are not always what they should be. My choices… Continue reading I Would Like To Order Advice and Wise Counsel, With A Side of Support But Hold The Judgment and Negativity Please!

Body, Getting Healthy, Mind

Think One Change – Hydrate

If you are attempting to make any changes in your life, that can be overwhelming. When most people who are unhealthy decide to make a change, it is an all or nothing mentality. So you decide you want to change and the next day you are going to be doing everything correct and making it… Continue reading Think One Change – Hydrate

Education, Juice Plus+, Memories, Passing Info On

Red Nose Day

Well Red Nose Day is actually on May 26th but I am doing my part and so is Jack David! God blessed me with Juice Plus and took my red nose away! So I added my own red nose to help support poverty of children! ‪#‎thinkonechange‬‪  #‎ownyourlife‬ ‪#‎GodissoGood‬ ‪#‎jplife‬ That is in our state!… Continue reading Red Nose Day

Education, Juice Plus+, Memories, Passing Info On, Young Living Essential Oils

Setback or Growth

One of the changes I have been making is to sit each morning and read from my Bible. Not only do I read from it, I underline in it, I write what I am thinking, I doodle, I color and I just make it what I am hearing from Him. I do not have any… Continue reading Setback or Growth

Education, Essential Oils, Juice Plus+, Passing Info On, Young Living Essential Oils

2 Month Face Update

It isn't the easiest to see the changes in photos. I am trying to do close up's so you can tell but it is so hard; even for me to see the difference. I am beyond impressed with all of the changes that are going on in my life! There really are a lot but… Continue reading 2 Month Face Update

Education, Essential Oils, Giveaway, Young Living Essential Oils

Sometimes You Just Need Acceptance

There are days when I walk around and I just do not feel myself. I am disappointed in myself. I see the negative instead of the good in me. I focus on those in my past and don't focus on what is most important in my life and that is Trinity. God created me and… Continue reading Sometimes You Just Need Acceptance