Body, Business, Getting Healthy, Mental Health, Mind, Work From Home

It Is Not My Plan But His

My day did not go the way I planned.  I find myself reminding myself that it is ultimately His plan and not mine. He can and does use everything for His purpose. It is His plan and not mine. My day consisted of a lot of unplanned things. Some good, some not so good and… Continue reading It Is Not My Plan But His

Body, Education, Financial, Getting Healthy, Mind, Passing Info On, Work From Home

We Make No Apologies For Running A Business And Living A Healthy Life

I have been questioning who I am and if Jack and I are doing the correct things lately. Making a choice to do certain things don't always make us popular with family and friends. That would cause me to question if it was the correct choice. I do not need their approval for the life… Continue reading We Make No Apologies For Running A Business And Living A Healthy Life

Body, Getting Healthy, Mental Health, Work From Home

In Tears 90% Of Today

No sleep last night. He is miserable today. Have made up a roller bottle for him with some lavender, melrose and peppermint mixed with coconut oil. He isn't eating much. He hates his pain meds. He threw up his antibiotics.  Took a two hour nap and woke up with headache.  Exhausted and thankful he kept… Continue reading In Tears 90% Of Today

Body, Getting Healthy, Work From Home

Graduation Party Success to Outpatient Surgery Turning Inpatient

Well we survived our first graduation party. He graduated a month ago and we just had his party on Saturday. It was a ton of work to get ready. There was family and friends who came to celebrate. For me, I was so happy to see each and every person who showed up. So many… Continue reading Graduation Party Success to Outpatient Surgery Turning Inpatient

Body, Getting Healthy, Memories, Mental Health, Mind, Work From Home

Nutrition Is So Important And We Don’t Get What We Need

I have really been thinking about how far I have come in the last year. In March of 2016 I was ready to break. I was miserable, in pain all of the time, and I was not a happy person. When you live with chronic pain, autoimmune issues, mental health issues and attempting to keep… Continue reading Nutrition Is So Important And We Don’t Get What We Need

Body, Business, Education, Financial, Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Memories, Passing Info On, Work From Home

How Much Does Your Health Matter To You?

I have been using the whole food based nutrition capsules for over a year now. I have talked about them before and how thankful I am for them. Life has changed, for the better. I still have bad days, we all do. However I am totally blessed to be about to move on with life,… Continue reading How Much Does Your Health Matter To You?

Body, Faith, Financial, Getting Healthy, Mind, Spiritual, Work From Home

I Am Blessed But Didn’t Always Know It

I don't think I have ever been so happy for a week to be over. It has been a great week and I have loved it all. At the same time I am beyond happy I am going into an extended weekend. It has been a week of emotional roller coasting around here.  So much… Continue reading I Am Blessed But Didn’t Always Know It

Body, Getting Healthy, Mind, Work From Home

Motivation Monday

I'm tuckered out tonight. Mowed our lawn for the first time today. It should have been done the last few weeks. The typical 70 minute job took just over 3 hours. Then headed over to my moms to help work in her yard. When you need to use your parents house for a graduation party,… Continue reading Motivation Monday

Body, Getting Healthy, Mind

Think One Change – Hydrate

If you are attempting to make any changes in your life, that can be overwhelming. When most people who are unhealthy decide to make a change, it is an all or nothing mentality. So you decide you want to change and the next day you are going to be doing everything correct and making it… Continue reading Think One Change – Hydrate

Body, Faith, Getting Healthy, Mind, Spiritual

Celebrate Recovery 12 Steps & Their Biblical Comparisons

I am a Christian and tonight I had the honor of going to a benefit for Celebrate Recovery (also know as Community Recovery). It is something our church started 18 years ago. It continues to grow, help those dealing with addictions and any issue get free from those bonds.  This is a 12 step program… Continue reading Celebrate Recovery 12 Steps & Their Biblical Comparisons