Education, Essential Oils, Memories, Young Living Essential Oils

Goodbye 2015

This has been a very up and down year but we are coming to the end of it. It is so hard to believe that another year has passed by so quickly. It seems like we just said hello to 2015.

A year ago  we had a few goals as a family. We really try not to make resolutions because we just don’t keep them. So we set goals, which is great for anyone at any age!

  1. We wanted to get this blog going. The goal was originally to be posting at least 1 time a week and that would give us at least 52 posts.  We surpassed it and this will be post 119!
  2. We wanted to be using the oils more and learning more about them. We have done it, we are all using at least 1 to 3 oils daily and increasing our knowledge daily!
  3. We wanted to take a family vacation that wasn’t here. We go camping most summers and while it is nice, we wanted to do something else. We were very close to having a full family vacation. Adam got to go to Europe with the Marching Band and at the same time 4 of us went to Disney World and 1 of us stayed at home.
  4. We had hoped that our oldest would realize how important medication and therapy are for his health issues. We struck out but there is always prayer and that is where we are at.
  5. We were given another goal later in the year by God and that was to run 3 Giveaways to help other use and get to know Young Living essential oils. We hit 3 Giveaways and have decided we have enjoyed giving oils away so much that we are going to continue into the new year! 
  6. We wanted to keep going in the right direction for removing the debt in our lives. We did end up removing it but it wasn’t in a way we expected but God provided a way and we knew it was the right one when everything fell into place.
  7. We had personal health goals that we had hoped to achieve. We didn’t completely achieve them but we are still going to work toward them and not give up.
  8. We wanted to find a new way to earn extra income. We have done a lot of exploration on this and we finally have a couple decent leads that will take work but in the end will be worth it. 
  9. We wanted to get our emergency fund set up. We did get it set up but life happened. Thankfully we have been able to make it through the year without taking on more debt (i.e. credit cards [2 years and going strong]) and next year we will do it again! 
  10. We wanted to work on having more husband/wife time and parent/child time. Most of the year it was a huge flop for the husband/wife time. After much talking though we are finally making time for us. Even if it isn’t very much, we are on a different level and connecting much more than we were at the beginning of the new year. Parent/child time is going well and we are learning to take more of the day to day and moment by moment and enjoy them.

Do you and your family set up goals for your year? Most of ours seem to go and blend from year to year but I never regret trying to accomplish them. If they mean enough to set them, they mean enough to try and accomplish them, even if you don’t accomplish them.

Thank you to each and every one of you who have come across this blog over the past year. It was a slow start and then we got it into gear about midway through the year. Whether you come often or just happen upon us, we are beyond thankful and grateful for choosing to read what we have to say! We look forward to continuing into 2016!

Happy New Year!

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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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