Faith, Getting Healthy, Work From Home

Keeping Your Schedule When School Is Out

I decided to use our spring break to try a few different things for our summer schedule. So far nothing seems to be working. For whatever reason my kiddos seem to think they can do what they want. They can say no as often as they want. They don't have to do their chores. They… Continue reading Keeping Your Schedule When School Is Out

Education, Getting Healthy, Memories, Recipe, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

DIY Essential Oil Perfume

One of the ways that my Bella and I like to use our essential oils daily is with our DIY perfume. I personally have never been a very floral oriented person. Even when I was younger and did purchase (toxic) perfumes from the stores I didn't go with florals. I always looked for the vanilla… Continue reading DIY Essential Oil Perfume

Getting Healthy, Recipe, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

Spring Is In The Air

We are spring cleaning the house and along with the cleaning of the house comes new essential oils in the diffuser. We take time to get the stale, winter air out of the house. We take the time to get the stale thoughts and cobwebs out of our mind. We take time to smell and… Continue reading Spring Is In The Air

Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Tower Garden, Work From Home

Just Give Us Four Months!

In February Jack lost hours at work because of the surgeries I had to have. Two of them were planned surgeries but the one in the middle was not planned and resulted in a lot of extra time being taken off. Here is the best thing of all, the income we got from this company… Continue reading Just Give Us Four Months!

Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Passing Info On, Tower Garden, Work From Home

What We Do Matters

No matter what you are doing in life. No matter where you have gone to school or not gone to school. No matter if you stay at home or work at home or work out of the home. We all matter. Our choices matter. Our life is important. I have been watching facebook a lot… Continue reading What We Do Matters

Education, Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Memories, Tower Garden, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

Work At Home Parent

I am a work at home mom. Jack is a work at home dad when he is here, even while he is working. There are a few reasons why I work at home. I am bipolar and maintaining a "real" job has never been something I have been gifted with. When I am down, I… Continue reading Work At Home Parent