Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Passing Info On, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

Change Your Behavior

I am not perfect. I have never been and I never will be. I make mistakes. I have my whole life. I would not be who I am today without them happening. I am happy with where I am at in life. At the same time I love improving myself and so I see the… Continue reading Change Your Behavior

Education, Essential Oils, Giveaway, Memories, Young Living Essential Oils

Tough Love

This has been such a rough day with so much going on! I am focusing on God. 6 Don’t worry about anything. No matter what happens, tell God about everything. Ask and pray, and give thanks to him. 7 Then God’s peace will watch over your hearts and your minds. He will do this because you belong… Continue reading Tough Love

Education, Essential Oils, Memories, Young Living Essential Oils

Inside Out Movie

While I have used this image before only the children and hubby had seen the movie. I just watched it tonight and completely fell in love with it. It is a fabulous movie showing and talking about feelings. Love, love, love, love If you have not seen it, you need to see it! If you… Continue reading Inside Out Movie