Passing Info On, Update

Brison Ricker Update

Here is the full update on Brison.Big Improvements! They started Brison on a heavy dose of steroids last night and the fog is starting to lift, praise Jesus! Yesterday at one point he didn't even know his name, so it was very scary! His thoughts are much clearer now but not back to 100% yet,… Continue reading Brison Ricker Update

Passing Info On, Update

Ricker Strong Fundraiser Until August 8, 2017

I should have posted this sooner but now is as good of a time. There are still a few days that you can join in and purchase some Norwex to help the Ricker Family! If you are interested in joining and purchasing some Norwex all you need to do is go here! If you are… Continue reading Ricker Strong Fundraiser Until August 8, 2017

Passing Info On

Team #RickerStrong Update

Kim put an update on their gofundme page yesterday. 5/2/2017 Update  Preston had a follow up appt. yesterday and some blood work done. They called this morning and the news was not what we were hoping for, his number that is suppose to be 1 was up to 13. This is an indicator that there… Continue reading Team #RickerStrong Update

Passing Info On

Update on #RickerStrong

There have been a couple of updates but this is part of the latest one! There are no words that can express how wonderful this update is. 4/17/2017 Update Brison's MRI "Partial Results" were received on Saturday! All Glory to God for the amazing news we received! Below is an email between Brison's oncologist and… Continue reading Update on #RickerStrong

Faith, Passing Info On

Team Ricker Update

A lot has been going on for this family. Down to Texas and then a trip to Florida! I have been watching the updates, the photos, the smiles, the memories! It has been a pretty amazing thing to see.  Yesterday there was an update on their gofundme page. Part of the update is below! Be… Continue reading Team Ricker Update

Education, Faith, Juice Plus+, Passing Info On, Work From Home

April the Giraffe (Dos)

There are zero words to express what this giraffe has done to my life since the 24th. My life hasn't stopped, it has learned how to work and revolve around being attached to a wall or outlet of some kind to keep my phone working. I even sleep with her on my nightstand. I don't… Continue reading April the Giraffe (Dos)

Faith, Passing Info On

Update Ricker Family

This is the latest update from the Ricker Family gofundme account: Spinal Tap results are back and his oncologist said that the results confirm that this is DIPG. Brison has had a severe headache since Tuesday night and has been laying down since because it makes it worse to sit up. Please say extra prayers… Continue reading Update Ricker Family

Faith, Getting Healthy, Passing Info On

Ricker Family Update

Here is part of the latest update about the Ricker boys, Brison and Preston.  Brison Update: He continues to be on the antineoplastons treatment from Dr. Burzynski and get Avasin infusion every other week at the children's hospital here. He has not yet started back up on the oral gene targeting medications but now that… Continue reading Ricker Family Update

Education, Faith

Ricker Family Update

If you pray or send good vibes or whatever it is you do, this family could use an extra boost. I spoke about the local family whose son, Brison was diagnosed with brain cancer last January here. They were at the time in the process of finding out if their other son, Preston had cancer as… Continue reading Ricker Family Update