Education, Juice Plus+, Memories, Passing Info On, Young Living Essential Oils

Setback or Growth

One of the changes I have been making is to sit each morning and read from my Bible. Not only do I read from it, I underline in it, I write what I am thinking, I doodle, I color and I just make it what I am hearing from Him. I do not have any… Continue reading Setback or Growth

Essential Oils, Giveaway, Memories, Recipe, Young Living Essential Oils

Healthy Ogre’s Overbite by Young Living

Well tomorrow is the day my children can't wait for. They start to plan their costumes around January 1st each year. It changes over the year a million times but it is never far from their minds. They love to go out and get candy and to show off what they are! Each year we… Continue reading Healthy Ogre’s Overbite by Young Living

Essential Oils, Giveaway, Young Living Essential Oils

October 2015 Winner Oil Arrived

After the winner was selected (with I sent out the email. We had a verify a few things like: Age, Address, and the basics! We mailed out her Young Living Lemon Essential  Oil and her Young Living Lime Essential Oil. I sent her an email yesterday to check to see if they have arrived… Continue reading October 2015 Winner Oil Arrived

Young Living Essential Oils

Glass Bottle Tip for Essential Oils

We have gone on a couple of vacations this year. Most years we do not go on vacations but we were very blessed this year. But as with most vacations that we do get to take, I have a system. I have a list that I make and I go down it. What typically happens… Continue reading Glass Bottle Tip for Essential Oils

Education, Essential Oils, Giveaway, Young Living Essential Oils

Never Buy Young Living From Other Sites!

It makes me sad that I would even need to make a post about this but there is a reason for it. The story I am going to share is not my own, it was relayed to help others and so I am going to share it to hopefully help one more person out there.… Continue reading Never Buy Young Living From Other Sites!