Education, Essential Oils, Giveaway, Young Living Essential Oils


Do you live with gratitude in your every day life? I know there are times when I forget to stop and be grateful. It isn't something I like about myself but it is something that does happen. We need to be thankful for the big and little things. We need to show our gratitude for… Continue reading Gratitude

Education, Essential Oils, Giveaway, Memories, Young Living Essential Oils

Happy Thanksgiving Day

I pray you are all blessed today. I pray you are all able to be with family and friends. I pray that your day be stress free. I pray that you laugh, love and enjoy all the things big and small today. I pray that you are able to give thanks even if you are… Continue reading Happy Thanksgiving Day

Education, Essential Oils, Young Living Essential Oils

It’s a “Joy” Filled Day!

I woke up this morning and it was hard to get out of bed. You see yesterday we got the two youngest children back into a bedroom. We have been working on this all summer long. Well maybe it has not been all summer but it certainly feels like it has been all summer. After… Continue reading It’s a “Joy” Filled Day!