Education, Essential Oils, Giveaway, Recipe, Young Living Essential Oils

Throat Tickles

It is the time of year when throat tickles become a huge thing. I feel as if I am always clearing my throat or dealing with the tickle. Here is a homemade way to help out with those throat tickles! We are very blessed and lucky that we are able to deal with thing naturally.… Continue reading Throat Tickles

Education, Essential Oils, Giveaway, Recipe, Young Living Essential Oils

Puzzled about DIY Blends?

There are so many options and things people put online about DIY essential oil things. There are lip balms, body scrubs, lotions, facial wash and the list goes on and on. You can pull up Pinterest and find 1000's of recipes! It can be a bit overwhelming when you just want something that works. So… Continue reading Puzzled about DIY Blends?

Education, Essential Oils, Giveaway, Young Living Essential Oils

I Love Wednesdays

Wednesdays are one of my favorite days of the week. I love getting together with my Wednesday Morning Women's Bible Study. Today though is going to be a very rough Wednesday. Jack David was up 90% of the last night. He doesn't do well with season  changes. His nose gets pressure and drips like a… Continue reading I Love Wednesdays

Education, Essential Oils, Giveaway, Recipe, Young Living Essential Oils

Cooking With Young Living

So I talk a lot about cooking with Young Living essential oils (and I never recommend cooking with other oils because you know that Young Living it is pure therapeutic grade because of their Seed to Seal guarantee) but I have never really broken down anything. You can follow my recipes that I put on… Continue reading Cooking With Young Living

Education, Essential Oils, Young Living Essential Oils

Ten Reasons to Pick Young Living Essential Oils

I really do love the Young Living Essential Oil company. There are a lot of reasons that I feel they are the best company out there. Here is a list of ten reasons why I would love for you to join our team: Young Living owns their own farms Anyone can visit the farms and… Continue reading Ten Reasons to Pick Young Living Essential Oils