Body, Education, Essential Oils, Getting Healthy, Giveaway, Juice Plus+, Memories, Passing Info On, Spiritual, Young Living Essential Oils

Library Day

We live really close to one of our local libraries. If we walk there it typically takes us less than 5 minutes to get there. Which is fabulous. So we do our best to walk there when the weather allows for us to do that. Today happened to be library day and I carry a… Continue reading Library Day

Education, Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Memories, Passing Info On, Spiritual, Young Living Essential Oils


I have been a person who is a negative thinker. Someone says something to me and it goes into my instant replay file and it gets played over and over and over again. Today while doing my Bible study this is what came to me: Talk about a wake up call. Wow, wow, wow! He… Continue reading Forgiven