Body, Faith, Getting Healthy, Memories, Mind, Relationship, Spiritual

When You Realize How Blessed You Are

There isn't much I don't appreciate these days. So many of my friends; whom I consider family, have cancer, health issues, financial issues, relationship issues, and other things that can be overwhelming. Each person feels things differently and so there is no way to compare each persons pain but there are so many who are… Continue reading When You Realize How Blessed You Are

Faith, Getting Healthy, Memories, Mental Health, Mind, Relationship, Spiritual

The Power of Transformation

Today I had the privilege of sitting down with someone who has had a massive transformation over the last twelve months. This is a person who has been in my life for the past ten years. This is the person that brought Jack and I together. I am not even sure if he knew that… Continue reading The Power of Transformation

Passing Info On

Team RickerStrong Update May 12th

I try and update when Kim updates on their gofundme account!  This is a local family. Many who I grew up with know this family and are currently friends. I went to school with the boys dad. I do not know them on a personal level but I pray for them. They have been in… Continue reading Team RickerStrong Update May 12th

Faith, Passing Info On

Update Ricker Family

This is the latest update from the Ricker Family gofundme account: Spinal Tap results are back and his oncologist said that the results confirm that this is DIPG. Brison has had a severe headache since Tuesday night and has been laying down since because it makes it worse to sit up. Please say extra prayers… Continue reading Update Ricker Family


Power of Prayer – Ricker Family Update

Kim put this as her status today: Attention all prayer warriors, friends and family, it is a Big Week for the Ricker Family! Tomorrow morning Brison will have another MRI. Please stand in belief with us for a miracle and pray with expectancy that he is healed completely and his tumor is gone! Preston started… Continue reading Power of Prayer – Ricker Family Update

Faith, Getting Healthy, Passing Info On

Ricker Family Update

Here is part of the latest update about the Ricker boys, Brison and Preston.  Brison Update: He continues to be on the antineoplastons treatment from Dr. Burzynski and get Avasin infusion every other week at the children's hospital here. He has not yet started back up on the oral gene targeting medications but now that… Continue reading Ricker Family Update

Faith, Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Memories, Passing Info On, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

Own Your Life

Are you happy with your life? I mean really happy with your life? Why do you continue to do what you do? What is your why in life? I am owning my life. As a husband and wife we are owning our life. For a long time I really believed that if I wanted the… Continue reading Own Your Life

Getting Healthy, Mind, Passing Info On, Spiritual, Work From Home

Just Prayed

So as days go, this has been a long one. When you have friends in your life for a long time, they become family. When their family hurts, you hurt. When they need comfort, if you can't be with them, you pray. When their children are hurting and they can't be there, you run over… Continue reading Just Prayed