Passing Info On, Update

Ricker Update – July 18th

Here is an update from Kim about Brison:  Update on Brison 7/18/17  Yesterday morning I received an email from the oncologist at Devos that Brison's MRI was not good news and showed progression. There is more visible small spots and the larger tumors in his brain and spine have grown by 1-1.5mm. There was no… Continue reading Ricker Update – July 18th

Body, Getting Healthy, Work From Home

Graduation Party Success to Outpatient Surgery Turning Inpatient

Well we survived our first graduation party. He graduated a month ago and we just had his party on Saturday. It was a ton of work to get ready. There was family and friends who came to celebrate. For me, I was so happy to see each and every person who showed up. So many… Continue reading Graduation Party Success to Outpatient Surgery Turning Inpatient

Faith, Getting Healthy, Passing Info On, Update

June 16th RickerStrong Update

This family needs donations and support (share their story) and love and prayers. Here is the latest update from Kim: Update 6/16/2017 on Brison. It has been a very emotional and stressful week. Brison was denied for treatment in Mexico, they said their treatment would not help him since he has leptomeningeal disease. For those… Continue reading June 16th RickerStrong Update

Passing Info On

Team RickerStrong Update May 12th

I try and update when Kim updates on their gofundme account!  This is a local family. Many who I grew up with know this family and are currently friends. I went to school with the boys dad. I do not know them on a personal level but I pray for them. They have been in… Continue reading Team RickerStrong Update May 12th

Passing Info On

A Great Leather Jewelry Store (online) in Grand Rapids

So for over a year now I have been going to this amazing local restaurant. I have noticed that a lot of the ladies who work there wear very similar jewelry. Finally I asked the correct person and found out she makes these amazing pieces! I won't take her photos from her pages but I… Continue reading A Great Leather Jewelry Store (online) in Grand Rapids

Education, Juice Plus+, Memories, Tower Garden, Video, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

Winter Still Comes

I live in Michigan. I have some health obstacles that makes winter weather painful. I used to love being outside year round. I live in a state that has amazing photo opportunities year round. I can drive to Lake Michigan four seasons and have different photo opportunities each season I arrive. A thirty to forty-five… Continue reading Winter Still Comes

Faith, Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Memories, Passing Info On, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

New Season In Life

Not everyone has dramatic season like Michigan does. Yes there are other states out there that has it but not all states do. We have seasons that include: leaves changing colors, rains both warm and cold, snow (was going to say white but lets be honest it isn't always white), green grass, flowers, lawn mowing,… Continue reading New Season In Life

Education, Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Mind, Passing Info On

Voting Day

I always vote. I have always taken each child with me from time of birth until they are old enough to stay home alone without me. I really do think in order for us to teach our children the importance of this right, we need to show them. We talk about the people running, issues,… Continue reading Voting Day

Education, Essential Oils, Juice Plus+, Memories, Passing Info On, Young Living Essential Oils

We Need Peace

The last 24 hours have been hard for me to take in. Honest moment here: I have been avoiding the news! I do not want to hear Hillary, Hillary, Hillary. I do not want to hear Trump, Trump, Trump. I do not want to hear black lives matter. I do not want to hear all… Continue reading We Need Peace