Getting Healthy, Mental Health, Mind, Spiritual, Work From Home

Hot Mess Week

"Hi, I'm Amy and I have been a hot mess this week. You see when school got out, most of my time and energy went into preparing for Adam's graduation open house. It wasn't at my house and so prepping meant letting my already messy, crazy, dirty, gross house get even more messy, crazy, dirty… Continue reading Hot Mess Week

Body, Getting Healthy, Mind, Spiritual

You Always Have The Choice To Change, Never Settle!

A little over a year ago I woke up, looked in the mirror and decided enough was enough. I no longer wanted to be the overweight, in pain, miserable person I had become. I had made the choice I was no longer going to just settle for who I had become. I didn't like how… Continue reading You Always Have The Choice To Change, Never Settle!

Education, Faith, Getting Healthy, Mental Health, Tower Garden, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

Mental Health Issues Are No Joke

Do you know what one of the most important things you must do when you have people in your life who have mental health or addiction issues? Take care of yourself. It makes sense because logically if you are not taking care of yourself then you are useless. Useless to those you are supporting. Useless… Continue reading Mental Health Issues Are No Joke

Education, Essential Oils, Giveaway, Memories, Young Living Essential Oils

Forgive; Yourself

A really big theme has been coming up over and over again lately: FORGIVE YOURSELF AMY! When you have a past; and who doesn't have one of those, you have to learn how to forgive yourself for mistakes you have made. If you have stopped making those mistakes and have moved on, if you have… Continue reading Forgive; Yourself