Body, Faith, Getting Healthy, Mind, Spiritual

Celebrate Recovery 12 Steps & Their Biblical Comparisons

I am a Christian and tonight I had the honor of going to a benefit for Celebrate Recovery (also know as Community Recovery). It is something our church started 18 years ago. It continues to grow, help those dealing with addictions and any issue get free from those bonds.  This is a 12 step program… Continue reading Celebrate Recovery 12 Steps & Their Biblical Comparisons

Essential Oils, Getting Healthy, Memories, Mind, Passing Info On, Spiritual, Work From Home

A Reminder

Sometimes I just need to remind myself: I am not the Creator. I am His creation. He knew what I would look like. He knew everything I would do, say, think, and He still made me. He knows me better than I know myself. The only place I can hide from the world is in… Continue reading A Reminder

Getting Healthy, Memories


Sitting in my chair this afternoon all of a sudden I could smell a familiar and beautiful scent. It was rain that was coming. I could feel myself wrapped in His arms this afternoon and it was just what I needed. You see I know that not everyone ha the gift of smelling and knowing… Continue reading Raining

Education, Memories

Get In The Word

There are days that by the end I just need to feel His truth. Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy ? CLICK HERE *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. *We only recommend one… Continue reading Get In The Word

Juice Plus+, Passing Info On, Young Living Essential Oils


If you run a home based business (or two) you can not rely upon your family and friends to make your business work! You have to network. You have to talk to new people. You have to collect new friends. You have to be willing to step out of your comfort zone if you are… Continue reading CWN

Holiday, Juice Plus+, Memories, Passing Info On

Happy Memorial Day

I hope you took some time this weekend and enjoyed the freedoms we have! We had a great weekend. We had a fabulous amount of family time. We got outside and exercised.  We sniffed out herbs for our garden. We went to church. We walked the beach. We spent time with parents.  Praying your weekend… Continue reading Happy Memorial Day

Education, Juice Plus+, Memories, Passing Info On

Spiritual Health

I truly believe you are unable to have a full life without having a full Spiritual life. Do you feed your soul? It is just as important as feeding your body and mind! Not long ago a friend told me something his mom used to say to him. She would say, "I love you more… Continue reading Spiritual Health

Essential Oils, Memories, Passing Info On, Young Living Essential Oils

Happy 5th Birthday Jack David

When your youngest baby hits a milestone it is bittersweet. Each birthday is bittersweet. My baby, my last little man, my sunshine on a rainy day, my cuddler, my helper, my  last little one. Today as I looked at him and wanted to cry, I decided I needed to pick Joy instead of mourning. Amazing… Continue reading Happy 5th Birthday Jack David

Education, Essential Oils, Juice Plus+, Young Living Essential Oils

Energy, Do You Have It?

I could have screamed from the rooftops today! Got the lawnmower out of the garage. That was a huge feat in itself! It was buried in the back of the (leftover hurricane mess) garage. Then I mowed the front and side lawn. After that I came inside and got some things in the house taken… Continue reading Energy, Do You Have It?

Education, Essential Oils, Juice Plus+, Passing Info On, Young Living Essential Oils

2 Month Face Update

It isn't the easiest to see the changes in photos. I am trying to do close up's so you can tell but it is so hard; even for me to see the difference. I am beyond impressed with all of the changes that are going on in my life! There really are a lot but… Continue reading 2 Month Face Update