Education, Essential Oils, Juice Plus+, Memories, Passing Info On, Young Living Essential Oils

Enjoy Life

You don't have to be perfect to enjoy life. You don't have to be the one with all of the answers. For me life has not been enjoyable. I deal with a lot of pain and discomfort with my face. As you can see below in the images, my face is getting better! I am… Continue reading Enjoy Life

Essential Oils, Giveaway, Memories, Recipe, Young Living Essential Oils

Healthy Ogre’s Overbite by Young Living

Well tomorrow is the day my children can't wait for. They start to plan their costumes around January 1st each year. It changes over the year a million times but it is never far from their minds. They love to go out and get candy and to show off what they are! Each year we… Continue reading Healthy Ogre’s Overbite by Young Living

Education, Essential Oils, Giveaway, Young Living Essential Oils

Young Living Has Children’s Essential Oils

So many people ask if essential oils are safe for children! We tend to answer the same way as we do for adults! If you are using unadulterated products that are of therapeutic quality you are using oils that are safe for you. One of the great things about Young Living is that they have… Continue reading Young Living Has Children’s Essential Oils