Education, Juice Plus+, Memories, Passing Info On, Young Living Essential Oils

Juice Plus – 3 Months

Right before I started Juice Plus I had my annual physical. Most people know that along with that comes blood work. I wasn't really looking forward to it because I was pretty certain some things were going to be high and some things low. You see since I was pregnant with my baby girl, Bella,… Continue reading Juice Plus – 3 Months

Giveaway, Juice Plus+, Passing Info On

Baby Steps

Have you wondered where to start on your journey of change? It can be so overwhelming. Really you need to decide what you want to do first. Are you getting rid of toxic things in the home, that you use, that your family uses? Are you going to change how much water you drink? What… Continue reading Baby Steps

Education, Essential Oils, Giveaway, Young Living Essential Oils

Looking at Cost Per Drop!

So often when you look at Young Living essential oils you are a bit shell shocked by the cost of the oils. I know when our family first started I really had a hard time justifying the costs for some of the essential oils. Then I started to look at it a little different. I… Continue reading Looking at Cost Per Drop!