Education, Essential Oils, Giveaway, Memories, Young Living Essential Oils

February Bonus!

If you are not a Young Living wholesale member yet this is the perfect month to join! Young Living is doing a 10% off PSK bonus PLUS they are giving away 2 premium oil collections this month! I really never thought that our family would be this family! Blogging about essential oils, talking about them… Continue reading February Bonus!

Education, Essential Oils, Recipe, Young Living Essential Oils

Winter, Winter, Winter

I will be the first to admit this has been a pretty amazing winter. Yes we have snow but compared to the last couple of years, we have had very little snow. I can look out the slider and see our rock wall still. Even with all the snow we have had, it warms up… Continue reading Winter, Winter, Winter

Education, Essential Oils, Recipe, Young Living Essential Oils

Relief Bomb & Extra Relief Bomb

Life can throw you curve balls and those can lead to bodily discomforts. I don't know anyone who enjoys an ache here or there. I don't know anyone who sits back and is thankful for discomfort in the knees, back or shoulders; although we are supposed to give thank for everything. I like the alternative… Continue reading Relief Bomb & Extra Relief Bomb