Body, Education, Essential Oils, Getting Healthy, Giveaway, Juice Plus+, Memories, Passing Info On, Spiritual, Young Living Essential Oils

Library Day

We live really close to one of our local libraries. If we walk there it typically takes us less than 5 minutes to get there. Which is fabulous. So we do our best to walk there when the weather allows for us to do that. Today happened to be library day and I carry a… Continue reading Library Day

Education, Giveaway, Juice Plus+, Passing Info On

Happy Helper

Ever since we got Mindee Lou (August 2014) she has been in love with fresh fruits and veggies. No matter where she is, when you pull out a carrot, apple, cantaloup, watermelon, beans (and the list keeps on going);she is now right there with you. She sits next to you and looks at you with… Continue reading Happy Helper

Education, Essential Oils, Juice Plus+, Passing Info On, Young Living Essential Oils

Sunday Night Party

Sunday night on Facebook I will be attending a Tower Garden Party! This is great for anyone and you will so much. Let me say though that this is AMAZING for anyone who especially lives in COLD climates! Live in Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, South Dakota, North Dakota, Colorado, Maine, Vermont, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, or… Continue reading Sunday Night Party

Essential Oils, Giveaway, Passing Info On, Young Living Essential Oils

Last 12 Hours!

Hard to believe we are down to just 12 hours left before the February giveaway is over! We really are blessed to be able to give Young Living away! If you haven't had the chance to register you still have the next 12 hours to get it in! We can't wait to pick a winner… Continue reading Last 12 Hours!

Essential Oils, Giveaway, Young Living Essential Oils

January 2016 Giveaway Winner

We have a winner of the YL 5ml Lemon EO! Really it never gets old being able to bless someone with a Young Living Essential Oil! Would you like to see? Click –> January 2016 Giveaway Winner Do not forget we do these often. It has been monthly for the last 4 months! We have… Continue reading January 2016 Giveaway Winner

Education, Essential Oils, Giveaway, Young Living Essential Oils


While I have a lot that I would like to accomplish; there are minutes, hours, days, oh heck, weeks I don't have the motivation to get any of it done! Very excited to say I have gotten the Young Living Motivation Essential Oil in my current months essential rewards (exclusive rewards). I am very excited… Continue reading Motivation

Education, Essential Oils, Recipe, Young Living Essential Oils

Relief Bomb & Extra Relief Bomb

Life can throw you curve balls and those can lead to bodily discomforts. I don't know anyone who enjoys an ache here or there. I don't know anyone who sits back and is thankful for discomfort in the knees, back or shoulders; although we are supposed to give thank for everything. I like the alternative… Continue reading Relief Bomb & Extra Relief Bomb

Education, Essential Oils, Young Living Essential Oils

How Do You Know Which Essential Oils or Supplements to Pick?

I am really excited to have this in our possession now! We have been blessed to be able to purchase the ZYTO Compass and it helps take the guess-work out of which Young Living essential oil or supplement to pick. So many have asked me which one they need or should start with and I… Continue reading How Do You Know Which Essential Oils or Supplements to Pick?