Getting Healthy, Passing Info On, Work From Home

Small Update With Photos

I am tired. Jack David had his surgery. The past week has been a blur. Yesterday evening I noticed something was off with him. He took a nap, woke up and we had some serious issues. Behind his left ear he either had an infection, cellulitis or a blood clot. So we took off to… Continue reading Small Update With Photos

Body, Getting Healthy, Work From Home

Graduation Party Success to Outpatient Surgery Turning Inpatient

Well we survived our first graduation party. He graduated a month ago and we just had his party on Saturday. It was a ton of work to get ready. There was family and friends who came to celebrate. For me, I was so happy to see each and every person who showed up. So many… Continue reading Graduation Party Success to Outpatient Surgery Turning Inpatient