Education, Essential Oils, Juice Plus+, Passing Info On, Young Living Essential Oils

When Tired Becomes Lazy

That is what I have been dealing with since about 1 AM Friday morning. Children with missing a few doses of Juice Plus were hit hard with the weather change. Stuff/runny noses, elevated body temps, sore throats from nasal drainage, and now we have managed to add head discomfort, body discomfort and non-stop crying and… Continue reading When Tired Becomes Lazy

Education, Young Living Essential Oils

Head Discomfort

We all have those days when we have this discomfort in our head and face region. For me I would love to just close my eyes and it magically go away but it never seems to work like that. There are some solutions with Young Living that can help with your head discomfort. I have… Continue reading Head Discomfort

Education, Essential Oils, Young Living Essential Oils

Under the Weather?

I started to have some head discomfort and pressure a few days ago. So I decided I had better start building up my immune system as quickly as possible.  I was using thieves, R.C., lavender, Breath Again, raw honey, tea and lots of water!  Each time my head started to get that discomfort I would… Continue reading Under the Weather?