Body, Education, Getting Healthy, Passing Info On, Recipe

Water Infusion Ideas

Not everyone is a fan of water. The biggest proof of that in the stores is how many water flavoring enhancers there are. Most of them use fake sugars (which are not good for you) or a lot of real sugar. Then look at all the added in ingredients and who knows what you are… Continue reading Water Infusion Ideas

Education, Essential Oils, Giveaway, Passing Info On, Young Living Essential Oils

Free is Free

I know I have talked about the free things you can get from Young Living. This month though I thought I would share! From the ER I ordered this month, I got all of thing for free! Not only did I get these essential oils for free, I got points for ordering the things I… Continue reading Free is Free

Education, Essential Oils, Recipe, Young Living Essential Oils

Winter, Winter, Winter

I will be the first to admit this has been a pretty amazing winter. Yes we have snow but compared to the last couple of years, we have had very little snow. I can look out the slider and see our rock wall still. Even with all the snow we have had, it warms up… Continue reading Winter, Winter, Winter

Education, Essential Oils, Giveaway, Young Living Essential Oils

$20 Or Less YLEO’s

So often people are concerned with the price that go along with Young Living essential oils. Personally I have stopped putting a price on our families health but not everyone is there yet! I completely understand because I wasn't there at one point as well. So here is a great little list that shows YLEO's… Continue reading $20 Or Less YLEO’s

Education, Essential Oils, Giveaway, Young Living Essential Oils

Sometimes You Just Need Acceptance

There are days when I walk around and I just do not feel myself. I am disappointed in myself. I see the negative instead of the good in me. I focus on those in my past and don't focus on what is most important in my life and that is Trinity. God created me and… Continue reading Sometimes You Just Need Acceptance