Faith, Getting Healthy, Mind, Spiritual

Trusting Your Path

Trusting the path you are on is not always easy. Today I have done a lot of thinking and praying and being frustrated and praying some more. I have talked about the Tower Garden a few times before. After many long talks, we finally decided to purchase one a couple weeks ago. So very excited… Continue reading Trusting Your Path

Education, Faith, Getting Healthy, Passing Info On, Vacation

Some Times You Just Need to Sing and Praise

I have been very blessed in my life. I have walked away from religion. I have rebelled against life. I have hurt myself, family, friends and probably strangers. I have also come back to Christianity. I have come to build a relationship with Christ, God and the Holy Spirit.  During the time I walked away… Continue reading Some Times You Just Need to Sing and Praise

Faith, Getting Healthy, Holiday, Juice Plus+, Tower Garden, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

‘Tis The Season…

to be jolly, Fa la la la la, la la la la. Sorry - I thought if it had to be stuck in my head it might as well be stuck in yours as well! Where has this last year gone? We are in December. Today is December 1st. 'Tis The Holiday Season.'Tis The Elf… Continue reading ‘Tis The Season…

Faith, Getting Healthy, Mental Health, Passing Info On, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

Week Summary

This week has had its ups and downs. This is going to be a very short summary. Monday was busy with getting ready for the make-n-take party. Things didn't really go as planned and yet went really well. I learned a lot and have a lot to learn. Monday was also a day of heartbreak… Continue reading Week Summary

Faith, Getting Healthy, Giveaway, Memories, Spiritual, Work From Home

I’m Yours; A Poem

My creativity has been still for a while. Buried deep inside. It was a fabulous blessing to have this come to me this morning while doing Bible study with Him. Be sure to register today: Click -> August 2016 Giveaway

Education, Memories

Get In The Word

There are days that by the end I just need to feel His truth. Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy ? CLICK HERE *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. *We only recommend one… Continue reading Get In The Word

Education, Essential Oils, Giveaway, Memories, Young Living Essential Oils

Tough Love

This has been such a rough day with so much going on! I am focusing on God. 6 Don’t worry about anything. No matter what happens, tell God about everything. Ask and pray, and give thanks to him. 7 Then God’s peace will watch over your hearts and your minds. He will do this because you belong… Continue reading Tough Love