Getting Healthy, Recipe

Gluten-Free Sandwich Bread Recipe

Bread is amazing but if you have celiacs or even a sensitivity to gluten, you can feel as if your life is over! I have a great solution for you. It is a gluten-free sandwich bread recipe that is to die for! It is soft, it is moist, it is amazing. But it does take… Continue reading Gluten-Free Sandwich Bread Recipe

Body, Education, Getting Healthy, Mental Health, Mind, Passing Info On, Work From Home

When You Realize There Is One More Thing To Eliminate From Your Diet

The healthier I get the more I realize there are things that are just not good for me. There are some people who are out there who can indulge in certain foods from time to time and they don't have huge consequences. On the other hand I am seeing when I get things like dairy,… Continue reading When You Realize There Is One More Thing To Eliminate From Your Diet

Passing Info On

A Great Leather Jewelry Store (online) in Grand Rapids

So for over a year now I have been going to this amazing local restaurant. I have noticed that a lot of the ladies who work there wear very similar jewelry. Finally I asked the correct person and found out she makes these amazing pieces! I won't take her photos from her pages but I… Continue reading A Great Leather Jewelry Store (online) in Grand Rapids

Body, Education, Essential Oils, Getting Healthy, Giveaway, Juice Plus+, Passing Info On, Recipe, Young Living Essential Oils

Complete Gluten Free Pancakes

So lately I call it Healthy (fill in the blank). Then I can smash things down and cover them up. Most of the time it will get them to at least try it. My kiddos are texture people. Not huge fans of most. Neither of them like bananas! So with that being said - this… Continue reading Complete Gluten Free Pancakes

Education, Essential Oils, Juice Plus+, Memories, Passing Info On, Young Living Essential Oils

Rough Weekend

We had a very rough weekend and all of a sudden I realized something on Sunday afternoon. From Friday to Saturday I had about 3 hours of sleep. Saturday was a very long and rough day because of an accident that took place. Spent a long time looking for a missing dog and the rest… Continue reading Rough Weekend

Education, Essential Oils, Recipe, Young Living Essential Oils

Amazing Lunch

Trying to work on some healthier food options. Things have been getting way out of control with my emotional eating. I need to seriously focus more on me and health. I am no good to myself or my family if I am not taking care of my needs as well! So today was a really… Continue reading Amazing Lunch

Education, Giveaway, Young Living Essential Oils

Grocery Shopping Online!

When I became an "adult" and had to start grocery shopping I never would have imagine that one day I could shop for 80% of the items I need from an online store! The local stores we have around here do not have much for selection when it comes to speciality items. And when I… Continue reading Grocery Shopping Online!

Education, Essential Oils, Recipe, Young Living Essential Oils

Thin Mints ~ Paleo Style

I love to eat and one of the things I love the most are sweets, especially when it is that time each month (and most ladies know exactly what I mean)! We have been trying really hard to reduce certain things in our lives. We are not gluten free yet but we are very close… Continue reading Thin Mints ~ Paleo Style