Faith, Getting Healthy, Mental Health, Mind, Relationship, Spiritual, Video

Vulnerable vs. Transparent

I have joined a book study for the summer. We are reading Nothing to Prove by Jennie Allen and tonight we read chapter 6, No Longer Lonely. She talked about a lot but one thing she did was define the difference between being vulnerable and transparent.  I never really thought there was much difference but after… Continue reading Vulnerable vs. Transparent

Faith, Getting Healthy, Work From Home

The Struggle Is Real With The Flesh

Today is Friday and since February 10, 2017 that means I am volunteering at church. I am in with the children who are sixth grade and above. We do have a couple  who are old enough to be in the sixth grade but are in fifth. We let them join us and so far we… Continue reading The Struggle Is Real With The Flesh

Education, Faith, Getting Healthy, Memories, Mental Health, Passing Info On, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

I Choose God

My blog(s) used to be my outlet. I don't always post about everything that goes on but this is going to be a baring, vulnerable, open and honest post. Over the summer I did a Bible study with a few ladies. This study helped cement something I have known but didn't want to accept. Maybe… Continue reading I Choose God

Education, Faith, Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Mind, Spiritual, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

God’s Promises

The Bible is full of His promises! Have you ever looked at it and really understood His Word? Recently I'm truly starting to understand what it all means. I am getting that when I ask for forgiveness it's as if it never happened in Gods eyes. He is not a human in the flesh. Jesus… Continue reading God’s Promises

Education, Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Memories, Passing Info On, Spiritual, Young Living Essential Oils


I have been a person who is a negative thinker. Someone says something to me and it goes into my instant replay file and it gets played over and over and over again. Today while doing my Bible study this is what came to me: Talk about a wake up call. Wow, wow, wow! He… Continue reading Forgiven

Education, Essential Oils, Juice Plus+, Memories, Passing Info On, Young Living Essential Oils

I Believe

I know not everyone believes in God. I know this because we live in a fallen world. There is evil in the world. There is heartache. I have a child who used to believe and doesn't anymore. I have a child who believed, didn't believe and now believes again. I grew up Catholic, never really… Continue reading I Believe