Getting Healthy, Healthy, Recipe, Video

Three Ingredient Strawberry Jam

Well all over Facebook you can find people posting videos with recipes. One that I had saved but kept on popping up all over was the three ingredient strawberry jam. It looked amazing as an end product. It looked pretty easy to make. It didn’t look like it would take a long time; well that… Continue reading Three Ingredient Strawberry Jam

Education, Getting Healthy, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

Outside Annoyances Come With Spring

Today is the first day of spring break for my children. I was really hoping we would be able to get outside and get the yard all cleaned up from the fall and winter. We did get out there for a little bit today but by the time we really got anything going the sprinkles… Continue reading Outside Annoyances Come With Spring

Education, Faith, Juice Plus+, Passing Info On, Work From Home

April the Giraffe (Dos)

There are zero words to express what this giraffe has done to my life since the 24th. My life hasn't stopped, it has learned how to work and revolve around being attached to a wall or outlet of some kind to keep my phone working. I even sleep with her on my nightstand. I don't… Continue reading April the Giraffe (Dos)

Education, Passing Info On

Are You A Christian Woman?

Are you someone who has been looking for an at home job? Or maybe you have an at home job already and are looking for a way to advertise. Maybe you are just looking for a Christian woman whom you can purchase products from for your home, health & wellness or gifts for others. I… Continue reading Are You A Christian Woman?

Education, Essential Oils, Juice Plus+, Passing Info On, Young Living Essential Oils

Sunday Night Party

Sunday night on Facebook I will be attending a Tower Garden Party! This is great for anyone and you will so much. Let me say though that this is AMAZING for anyone who especially lives in COLD climates! Live in Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, South Dakota, North Dakota, Colorado, Maine, Vermont, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, or… Continue reading Sunday Night Party

Education, Essential Oils, Juice Plus+, Memories, Passing Info On, Young Living Essential Oils

My Life Is Not My Own

God knows my heart. God knows my fears. God knows my joys. God knows my sadness. God knows my biggest fear. My life is not my own. I have decided to follow Jesus and to have a relationship with the Trinity. That means that my life is not my own. One problem I have is… Continue reading My Life Is Not My Own

Education, Essential Oils, Giveaway, Passing Info On, Young Living Essential Oils

YLEO 101 Class

Hosting a class on Facebook so you can learn the basics about Young Living Essential Oils! Can not wait to hear from you! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Click –> March 2016 Giveaway -------------------------------------------------------------------------- spOILing your family one drop at a time! If you are ready to join the YLEO spOILed Family? CLICK HERE Would you like to talk… Continue reading YLEO 101 Class

Essential Oils, Giveaway, Young Living Essential Oils

Mystery Oil Winner Picked

*This giveaway was in no way associated with Facebook. We just like giving Young Living away to bless others and the 500 likes mark was a great reason to do another giveaway! We hit 500 likes on Facebook. We put all of those 500 people into Rafflecopter. We were going to let Rafflecopter pick a… Continue reading Mystery Oil Winner Picked

Education, Essential Oils, Giveaway, Passing Info On, Young Living Essential Oils

February Bonus Love

It is February 16th and we have two things going on right now! When we get to 500 Facebook likes we are going to enter all of the names (of those who have liked our Facebook page) into Rafflecopter and be giving away a free mystery Young Living Essential Oil!   We also have until… Continue reading February Bonus Love

Essential Oils, Giveaway, Young Living Essential Oils

January 2016 Giveaway Winner

We have a winner of the YL 5ml Lemon EO! Really it never gets old being able to bless someone with a Young Living Essential Oil! Would you like to see? Click –> January 2016 Giveaway Winner Do not forget we do these often. It has been monthly for the last 4 months! We have… Continue reading January 2016 Giveaway Winner