Body, Education, Essential Oils, Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Memories, Passing Info On, Young Living Essential Oils

Face Update – Week 19

It has been a while since I have done a real update on my face. For those who are new here I had rosacea that came out about 9 years ago. In the past 9 years my face has had varying degrees of redness. Pustules all the time. Pain that was never ending. Plus a… Continue reading Face Update – Week 19

Education, Essential Oils, Juice Plus+, Passing Info On, Young Living Essential Oils

2 Month Face Update

It isn't the easiest to see the changes in photos. I am trying to do close up's so you can tell but it is so hard; even for me to see the difference. I am beyond impressed with all of the changes that are going on in my life! There really are a lot but… Continue reading 2 Month Face Update

Education, Essential Oils, Juice Plus+, Memories, Passing Info On, Young Living Essential Oils

I Believe

I know not everyone believes in God. I know this because we live in a fallen world. There is evil in the world. There is heartache. I have a child who used to believe and doesn't anymore. I have a child who believed, didn't believe and now believes again. I grew up Catholic, never really… Continue reading I Believe

Education, Essential Oils, Juice Plus+, Memories, Passing Info On, Young Living Essential Oils

Enjoy Life

You don't have to be perfect to enjoy life. You don't have to be the one with all of the answers. For me life has not been enjoyable. I deal with a lot of pain and discomfort with my face. As you can see below in the images, my face is getting better! I am… Continue reading Enjoy Life

Education, Essential Oils, Giveaway, Memories, Passing Info On, Young Living Essential Oils

One Month Face Update

I have to say my face is feeling pretty good. It has been a month and even though this past Sunday my face is a bit on the red side compared to last week; it feels good.Plus I am coming into my hormone surge time of the month. Overall though I do not have as… Continue reading One Month Face Update