Body, Education, Getting Healthy, Mental Health, Mind, Passing Info On, Work From Home

When You Realize There Is One More Thing To Eliminate From Your Diet

The healthier I get the more I realize there are things that are just not good for me. There are some people who are out there who can indulge in certain foods from time to time and they don't have huge consequences. On the other hand I am seeing when I get things like dairy,… Continue reading When You Realize There Is One More Thing To Eliminate From Your Diet

Body, Getting Healthy, Mind, Work From Home

Motivation Monday

I'm tuckered out tonight. Mowed our lawn for the first time today. It should have been done the last few weeks. The typical 70 minute job took just over 3 hours. Then headed over to my moms to help work in her yard. When you need to use your parents house for a graduation party,… Continue reading Motivation Monday

Education, Essential Oils, Juice Plus+, Young Living Essential Oils

Energy, Do You Have It?

I could have screamed from the rooftops today! Got the lawnmower out of the garage. That was a huge feat in itself! It was buried in the back of the (leftover hurricane mess) garage. Then I mowed the front and side lawn. After that I came inside and got some things in the house taken… Continue reading Energy, Do You Have It?