Juice Plus+, Passing Info On, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

Young Living Thieves Essential Oil

I am so excited we are going to talk about Young Living Thieves Essential Oil today! This wasn't an essential oil I got until I purchased a wholesale membership with Young Living. When I did it was the first oil I opened up and smelled. I had been hearing for months about "Thieves" and how… Continue reading Young Living Thieves Essential Oil

Education, Essential Oils, Passing Info On, Young Living Essential Oils

Vitality Essential Oils

Young Living has release a new set of essential oils (we talked about them a little bit with the 55 Uses for the PSK)! It is their dietary essential oils and they are wonderful! These are the perfect oils to allow you to be able to add flavor to your food with the herbs, some… Continue reading Vitality Essential Oils

Education, Essential Oils, Young Living Essential Oils

Boost Your Energy

We have all been really under the weather. I started last week and by Monday I was giving Bella some Young Living NingXia Red. The best thing happened! She came home on Wednesday and said to me, "I slept great and didn't even yawn once today mama!" I was jumping up and down for joy!… Continue reading Boost Your Energy