Body, Education, Getting Healthy, Passing Info On, Recipe

Water Infusion Ideas

Not everyone is a fan of water. The biggest proof of that in the stores is how many water flavoring enhancers there are. Most of them use fake sugars (which are not good for you) or a lot of real sugar. Then look at all the added in ingredients and who knows what you are… Continue reading Water Infusion Ideas

Juice Plus+, Passing Info On, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

Young Living Thieves Essential Oil

I am so excited we are going to talk about Young Living Thieves Essential Oil today! This wasn't an essential oil I got until I purchased a wholesale membership with Young Living. When I did it was the first oil I opened up and smelled. I had been hearing for months about "Thieves" and how… Continue reading Young Living Thieves Essential Oil

Body, Education, Essential Oils, Getting Healthy, Giveaway, Juice Plus+, Passing Info On, Recipe, Young Living Essential Oils

Complete Gluten Free Pancakes

So lately I call it Healthy (fill in the blank). Then I can smash things down and cover them up. Most of the time it will get them to at least try it. My kiddos are texture people. Not huge fans of most. Neither of them like bananas! So with that being said - this… Continue reading Complete Gluten Free Pancakes

Essential Oils, Giveaway, Young Living Essential Oils

October 2015 Winner Oil Arrived

After the winner was selected (with I sent out the email. We had a verify a few things like: Age, Address, and the basics! We mailed out her Young Living Lemon Essential  Oil and her Young Living Lime Essential Oil. I sent her an email yesterday to check to see if they have arrived… Continue reading October 2015 Winner Oil Arrived

Education, Essential Oils, Giveaway, Young Living Essential Oils

Need a Zing in Your Day?

Things have been a bit crazy around here this past week. We got the dumpster and man it is amazing how much stuff was ruined and built up in our basement. I have decided that maybe once a year it isn't a bad idea to just get a small dumpster and just purge all of… Continue reading Need a Zing in Your Day?

Essential Oils, Recipe, Young Living Essential Oils

Jade Lemon Cheesecake

One of the benefits of using Young Living Essential Oils is that you can cook with them! It really is one of my favorite things to do since I started with this company. It is one of the many ways to utilize the therapeutic-grade essential oils! Please Note: Not all essential oils are the same! You can… Continue reading Jade Lemon Cheesecake