Faith, Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Tower Garden, Work From Home

God Has Blessed Us

Do you know that God loves to bless His children? He uses so many things to bless us with. Today has been this huge blessing for our family! I have been praying about a lot of things. I have not been praying the way I was before spring break got here, but I have still… Continue reading God Has Blessed Us

Faith, Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Memories, Tower Garden, Young Living Essential Oils

Always Give Thanks!

I have been in a thinking kind of mood. I have been thinking about all of the things to give thanks for. Even when things are looking crazy and insane and you don't know what way is up. It helps to always look for the smallest thing to give joy about. Tonight when I pulled… Continue reading Always Give Thanks!

Education, Essential Oils, Giveaway, Juice Plus+, Memories, Passing Info On, Recipe, Young Living Essential Oils

My Kind of Day

I got to start my morning with the kiddos outside on the porch.   It's been a great day! Thank you Lord for all of the blessings you have placed in our lives. (Don't forget we currently have a giveaway going on so stop on the home page to register) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Would you like to… Continue reading My Kind of Day