Passing Info On, Special Times, Work From Home

Brain and Body Break

Been working long hours to get prepared for my middle sons open house.  Having a chronic pain autoimmune flare up.  Taking tonight off! See you tomorrow. 

Faith, Getting Healthy, Holiday, Work From Home

Memorial Day 2017

Today is Memorial Day. It was a good day to honor those who have given their lives so that I could enjoy today.  As a family we celebrated by going for a walk at a local park. We had never been there before but it was a nice park and it was a great way.… Continue reading Memorial Day 2017

Education, Faith, Getting Healthy, Passing Info On, Vacation

Some Times You Just Need to Sing and Praise

I have been very blessed in my life. I have walked away from religion. I have rebelled against life. I have hurt myself, family, friends and probably strangers. I have also come back to Christianity. I have come to build a relationship with Christ, God and the Holy Spirit.  During the time I walked away… Continue reading Some Times You Just Need to Sing and Praise

Getting Healthy, Holiday, Juice Plus+, Tower Garden, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

Best Christmas Party, Ever 

Jack David has been physically going to school for three years now. The last two years have resulted in him being so sick that he didn't go to school the last week before Christmas break. What that means is that he has missed all his Christmas parties for school.  This year is different. This year… Continue reading Best Christmas Party, Ever 

Faith, Getting Healthy, Holiday, Juice Plus+, Tower Garden, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

Boy It’s Cold Outside

I guess since it is cold outside it means that we have officially gotten to the holiday season. We have had a lot of warmer weather here. I had our windows open just a couple weeks ago. However it is now cold. We had a bitter wind today. We are supposed to be getting some… Continue reading Boy It’s Cold Outside

Faith, Getting Healthy, Holiday, Juice Plus+, Tower Garden, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

‘Tis The Season…

to be jolly, Fa la la la la, la la la la. Sorry - I thought if it had to be stuck in my head it might as well be stuck in yours as well! Where has this last year gone? We are in December. Today is December 1st. 'Tis The Holiday Season.'Tis The Elf… Continue reading ‘Tis The Season…

Education, Getting Healthy, Holiday, Juice Plus+, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils


Today is Cyber Monday and even though it is later in the day we are going to do another deal for those who want to start on the TRIO! You must purchase it directly from us or from our site! Have you been waiting for the perfect time to start using the 30 fruits and… Continue reading CYBER MONDAY

Education, Getting Healthy, Holiday, Juice Plus+, Memories, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

Happy Thanksgiving

So this years thanksgiving changed a bit from where I thought I would be this year. We are typically with my family the years we have Adam but because of the neck break and then the arm break of the in-laws we switched. The main reason was I would be helping make thanksgiving dinner. This… Continue reading Happy Thanksgiving

Education, Getting Healthy, Passing Info On, Vacation, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

Happy Anniversary!

That is right. As of this week my family has been on Juice Plus for eight months! We have been making healthier choices for eight months (for the most part). We received our last shipment to make it a full year. What you are looking at is our four month supply of Juice Plus (minus… Continue reading Happy Anniversary!

Body, Education, Essential Oils, Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Passing Info On, Vacation, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

Yard Work

Mowing the yard has been something I have taken on this summer. It has been a way to get in steps and a way to get in exercise. We have not had gas and I have put off getting it. The more I looked at the yard though the more I knew I couldn't put… Continue reading Yard Work