Getting Healthy, Healthy, Recipe, Video

Three Ingredient Strawberry Jam

Well all over Facebook you can find people posting videos with recipes. One that I had saved but kept on popping up all over was the three ingredient strawberry jam. It looked amazing as an end product. It looked pretty easy to make. It didn’t look like it would take a long time; well that… Continue reading Three Ingredient Strawberry Jam

Getting Healthy, Healthy, My One Word, My Road To St. Jude's Marathon

Journey To St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital Marathon – Week Two

So week two was a little easier and a lot more difficult. Really I did the same exact routine as I did the first week. I know it isn't good to do the same thing over and over again because just like your brain your muscles develop memory (muscle memory). I workout at Planet Fitness… Continue reading Journey To St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital Marathon – Week Two

Getting Healthy, Healthy, My One Word, My Road To St. Jude's Marathon

My St. Jude’s Marathon Journey – Week One Update

Since this was not what I had planned when starting this journey I didn't update at the end of week one. So I am doing that now. I have a brain and body that don't always work together. I think about where I was when I ended my working out on a regular basis. I… Continue reading My St. Jude’s Marathon Journey – Week One Update

2018, Getting Healthy, Healthy, My One Word, My Road To St. Jude's Marathon, Video

My Road To The St. Jude’s Marathon

Well let me just tell you a little bit about who I am. I am a 42 year old (almost 43) wife and mom (that is Jack and I celebrating birthdays with a cupcake fight). I have a few really good friends, a lot of friends and a lot of acquaintances. I have numerous autoimmune… Continue reading My Road To The St. Jude’s Marathon