Body, Education, Getting Healthy, Passing Info On, Recipe

Water Infusion Ideas

Not everyone is a fan of water. The biggest proof of that in the stores is how many water flavoring enhancers there are. Most of them use fake sugars (which are not good for you) or a lot of real sugar. Then look at all the added in ingredients and who knows what you are… Continue reading Water Infusion Ideas

Body, Business, Financial, Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Memories, Mental Health, Mind, Spiritual

Transparency in 2019

Transparency is not easy to do, especially when it comes to healthy and weight. Who wants to put it out there for the world to see how much you weight, put photos up and invite them into what you hope to do and the struggles to accomplish them.  I say the struggles because it has… Continue reading Transparency in 2019

Body, Business, Getting Healthy, Mind, Network Marketing Professional, Passing Info On, Spiritual, Work From Home

I Have Been Quiet

I am around. I am thinking. I am cleaning. I am making it through the first week of school. When the summer comes, I have a schedule and we did really good about sticking to it. I did indulge in the kiddos more than I had planned to (that sounds bad) but it was perfect.… Continue reading I Have Been Quiet

Body, Education, Financial, Getting Healthy, Passing Info On, Video, Work From Home

Watch Our Tower Garden Grow!

Back in July I talked about how we decided to get a Tower Garden. Here is where we put her together, put some seedlings in, grew some seedlings and added those and how it has grown over the past three weeks! Putting Tower Garden Together Tower Garden Seedlings Tower Garden Week One Update Tower Garden… Continue reading Watch Our Tower Garden Grow!

Body, Education, Getting Healthy, Mental Health, Passing Info On, Work From Home

Signs You Could Be Missing That Help You and Doctors Detect Autoimmune Disease

I have talked a lot about the fact I have autoimmune issues. Yes technically they are diseases, I prefer to call them issues. I have been following a blog: Her Unusual Journey and she has been dealing with and dealt things very similar to me. Here is the thing I know there are others out… Continue reading Signs You Could Be Missing That Help You and Doctors Detect Autoimmune Disease

Body, Faith, Getting Healthy, Memories, Mind, Relationship, Spiritual

When You Realize How Blessed You Are

There isn't much I don't appreciate these days. So many of my friends; whom I consider family, have cancer, health issues, financial issues, relationship issues, and other things that can be overwhelming. Each person feels things differently and so there is no way to compare each persons pain but there are so many who are… Continue reading When You Realize How Blessed You Are

Body, Education, Getting Healthy, Passing Info On, Recipe, Work From Home

Essential Oil Diffuser Recipes

I found both of these pages online. I wish I knew who they came from because I have been using them a lot and have been very happy with them. I have not been the most motivated person lately. It seems there are just certain points I hit that struggle to keep on going. I… Continue reading Essential Oil Diffuser Recipes

Body, Education, Getting Healthy, Mental Health, Mind, Passing Info On, Work From Home

When You Realize There Is One More Thing To Eliminate From Your Diet

The healthier I get the more I realize there are things that are just not good for me. There are some people who are out there who can indulge in certain foods from time to time and they don't have huge consequences. On the other hand I am seeing when I get things like dairy,… Continue reading When You Realize There Is One More Thing To Eliminate From Your Diet

Body, Education, Getting Healthy, Mind, Passing Info On, Work From Home

Cancer, Health, Overall Wellness

I wish I could say that my eating habits were perfect and I only made good choices. But I am not perfect. There are times I make really poor choices. Like today, I really wanted a sweet treat and so I ate marshmallows. While it isn't an overall bad choice, my body doesn't do well… Continue reading Cancer, Health, Overall Wellness

Body, Business, Education, Financial, Getting Healthy, Passing Info On, Tower Garden, Video, Work From Home

We Are Buying a Tower Garden

We are pulling the trigger and getting ourselves a tower garden! Wonder how the tower garden works? You can watch this short video that gives an overview: We have decided it is time to start really saving on our grocery bill! Have been contemplating this move for 16 months now. Before it didn't make… Continue reading We Are Buying a Tower Garden