Body, Education, Getting Healthy, Mind

When Fruits and Veggies Are Not What You Think

I rang across this article that talks about how different food is today than it was in the past. To be honest, I already knew this and it was probably because I was really privileged and at a lot fresh foods from gardens growing up. But, the truth is there is way more to it… Continue reading When Fruits and Veggies Are Not What You Think

Body, Education, Financial, Getting Healthy, Learning To Be You, Mind, Relationship, Spiritual

You Have To Be Resilient To Make It Through Life

The problem is so many people think and feel they should not have any difficulty going through life. The solution is we have to be willing to learn to be resilient because difficulty does exist. Life is hard and I have been through my fair share of difficulties. Unless you are in my inner circle… Continue reading You Have To Be Resilient To Make It Through Life

Body, Education, Getting Healthy, Memories, Mind, Spiritual

Change Your Mindset and Change Your Life!

So many people talk about things they want to change or how they plan on changing but then fall short. The solution is a mind change because nothing changes until you have a real inside change and that begins in the mind. I know you have been here. You look in the mirror and are… Continue reading Change Your Mindset and Change Your Life!

Body, Education, Getting Healthy, Mind, Relationship

What Does Living Intentionally Healthy Mean?

One of our biggest problems is that we are afraid of the word healthy. The best solution is to define what healthy means to you! Let me be perfectly clear, I do know how to live a healthy life. But it used to sound boring and bland (those darn teen years). When I was little… Continue reading What Does Living Intentionally Healthy Mean?

Body, Business, Getting Healthy, Mental Health, Mind, Passing Info On, Video

Whole Body Transformation Starts Within

Do You Want To Be Happy? Want a great life - deal with your past crap. Work through it, your fears, your limiting beliefs, your past and the triggers that cause your reactions. You have to clear out all your negative emotions and energies and people or you will never be free to be the… Continue reading Whole Body Transformation Starts Within

Body, Business, Education, Financial, Getting Healthy, Network Marketing Professional, Passing Info On, Update, Video, Work From Home

Why I Have An At Home Business

I Do Not Belong To a Pyramid Scheme A couple years ago I wrote a blog post about the difference between a legitimate network marketing business and a pyramid scheme! This week, one of my awesome team members and friend wrote this amazing post about the same thing. The best part for you is that… Continue reading Why I Have An At Home Business

Body, Business, Education, Getting Healthy, Passing Info On, Video

Here In The United States (I can’t speak for other countries) We Are Plagued With Chronic Illness, Autoimmune Disorders and Cancer. But Why?

Autoimmune Disorders, Cancer, Chronic Disease What Has Changed That They Are So Prevalent? Who came up with the idea to genetically modify our foods? So plants growing on their own, at their own pace, with nutrients from nature are not good enough! I understand we are not the country we used to be. We do… Continue reading Here In The United States (I can’t speak for other countries) We Are Plagued With Chronic Illness, Autoimmune Disorders and Cancer. But Why?

Body, Business, Education, Getting Healthy, Passing Info On, Video

No Fish Burps, Good Nutrition and Reducing Inflammation – All For Your Heart!

Can You Eat Heart Healthy on a Budget? Change can be scary, especially when you have a small food budget. When you think about having to eat healthy, if you are not used to it, it can be scary! Here are some simple tips that anyone can implement into their grocery shopping: Compare LabelsEat What's In… Continue reading No Fish Burps, Good Nutrition and Reducing Inflammation – All For Your Heart!

Body, Business, Education, Getting Healthy, Passing Info On, Recipe, Video

Debunking Myths, Healthy Recipes and Each Cell Has a Sex. WHAT!

What if all we have been told and believed isn't true? Debunking Myths, Healthy Recipes and Each Cell Has a Sex. WHAT! What are some things you believe about heart health? Do you think the biggest sign of a heart attack is chest pain? Do you think an aspirin a day will keep the doctor… Continue reading Debunking Myths, Healthy Recipes and Each Cell Has a Sex. WHAT!

Body, Business, Education, Getting Healthy, Network Marketing Professional, Passing Info On

How Does Nutrition Affect Your Movement?

This May we are talking about Movement. Do you know how nutrition affects your movement? If you are not getting the proper nutrition, if you are only eating sugars and processed foods, no mater how much you move and how active you are, there is no way to be healthy.  Today we are talking about… Continue reading How Does Nutrition Affect Your Movement?