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Debunking Myths, Healthy Recipes and Each Cell Has a Sex. WHAT!

What if all we have been told and believed isn’t true?

Debunking Myths, Healthy Recipes and Each Cell Has a Sex. WHAT!

What are some things you believe about heart health? Do you think the biggest sign of a heart attack is chest pain? Do you think an aspirin a day will keep the doctor away? Do you think sleep apnea only happens in overweight people? 

Hear from a cardiologist who debunks 10 myths about heart health. What typical things have you heard from your doctor that may no longer be true!

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Every cell in your body has a sex. What a thought! So what does this mean for us in regards to medication and how we treat medical issues? Is it going to change the way we live?  Pioneering doctor Paula Johnson describes in this thought-provoking talk, lumping everyone in together means we essentially leave women’s health to chance.

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