Business, Getting Healthy

We Have Been So Lost

We have been gone. We have not been posting. We have not been doing mailings. We have not been doing giveaways. We have not been doing anything. 

Amy has been sick. We had no idea what was going on. Truth be told we still don’t have all of the answers. We have been in and out of doctor offices and hospitals since August of 2018. 

In 2016 things started to improve. Her rosacea was getting better. She could wash her face and not cry. She was able to start walking daily. She was doing amazing, compared to the past 10 or so years. 

Then it all started to go downhill again. After finally having some answers from a local immunologist, there was some hope. But then the exhaustion really set in.

How is it possible to feel 10 times better and yet feel horrible at the same time? 

In 2013 our family started to use essential oils and we never looked back. They helped with so many things in life. Especially getting rid of all the toxic chemicals. In 2016 our family started to eat whole food nutrition daily and we never looked back. We were able to truly eliminate all allergy medications, we were seeing a huge improvement in our immunities and Amy was living again.

So how is it possible to feel so much better and still feel horrible? Because as we fed our bodies the nutrition it needed, our bodies were able to do what they were intended to do. We were healing, we were boosting immunity, we were reducing inflammation within the body and so much more that you just can’t see. 

So every four months as our bodies renew and continue to heal and improve from the inside out, more ailments, autoimmune disorders and issues come to light. 

So we have decided we have to get back to our life. We have to get back to living. We have to get back to writing. We have to get back to loving. We have to get back to helping others. 

We have been so gifted in this life to help empower others. We have been so gifted in this life to help others find alternatives when they are not getting answers.

We are just so blessed and we can’t wait to get back to blessing you! 

The Boot Family
Think One Change
aspire to inspire
The month of May we are going to be exploring movement! You are going to learn ways to get movement in without going to the gym. You will learn about how nutrition affects our movements. You will learn about a program we started and how it changed our lives! We have an exciting month ahead of us and we are so thankful you are here to join us!
The Boot Family
Think One Change
aspire to inspire

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