Body, Education, Financial, Getting Healthy, Passing Info On, Video, Work From Home

Watch Our Tower Garden Grow!

Back in July I talked about how we decided to get a Tower Garden.

Here is where we put her together, put some seedlings in, grew some seedlings and added those and how it has grown over the past three weeks!

Putting Tower Garden Together

Tower Garden Seedlings

Tower Garden Week One Update

Tower Garden Week Two Update

Tower Garden Week Three Update

Even with everything I had known and all the videos I had watched – I am blown away at how fast everything has grown!

Three Weeks of Tower Garden Growth and I am Eating It!  #thinkonechangeLast night I even picked some of the food off from it and ate it with my veggie burger! In THREE WEEKS!

If you have been on the fence about the tower garden, I highly encourage you to get it! Go here and get it!

There is nothing that is as impressive as having a TG of your own, growing your own fruits and veggies and herbs and flowers and picking it to eat during the THIRD week of growth!

It just blows my mind.

Have questions – please ask me! We have one right now because that is all we purchased but to be honest, I see us purchasing the family set before summer is over in 2018.

Not only is this saving us money on our food bill, this is helping our end goal of becoming healthier, helping our end goal of helping others become healthier and it is amazing!

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