Faith, Getting Healthy, Passing Info On, Update

June 16th RickerStrong Update

This family needs donations and support (share their story) and love and prayers.

Here is the latest update from Kim:

Update 6/16/2017 on Brison. It has been a very emotional and stressful week. Brison was denied for treatment in Mexico, they said their treatment would not help him since he has leptomeningeal disease. For those of you who do not what this is, it occurs in only 3-5% of ALL cancer patients. There is cancer peppered in the lining of his brain and spine now. His DIPG is in remission and only scar tissue, however this is just as bad if not worse than having DIPG itself. There is no cure, life expectancy once diagnosed is measured in weeks to months & there are only a couple hospitals in the US treating this which can slow it down but will not take it away. We sent records and MRI scans to those two hospitals a month ago now and have been waiting. Today I found out Sloan Kettering has not even reviewed them because they are waiting on insurance approval. MD Anderson is still waiting on approval as well, but they have accepted him. I called the insurance and was informed they will not allow us to have consults with both places, we have to choose. Well that is not easy, how do we know when we have no idea what treatment option either of them have! However our pastor was here praying with Brison……

Please go and read the rest of the update on their gofundme site

After you read their update, after you have prayed for them if you feel lead, I am asking that you take a moment and share their story. Share on your facebook, share on your blog, share on twitter, share however you can! 

You can also go to their paypal account and make a donation directly to them so that there are not service fees taken out. 

This family has been supported by this community for 17 months now. In those 17 months they have done everything possible for not one child diagnosed with cancer but two (their only two) children diagnosed with cancer. There is power in prayer and for me, the past 17 months have been proof that if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can, with God move mountains! 

Not only has this family had faith that prayer works, they have had a whole community supporting them in prayer. 

If you have the financial resources to help them, please do. If you know how to work a computer and can pass their story on to as many places as possible, please do. If you are a prayer warrior or a quick lift up their family person, please do.

Thank you for anything and all you do to help this family! You are supporting an amazing family and that means a lot to me.

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