Passing Info On

A Great Leather Jewelry Store (online) in Grand Rapids

So for over a year now I have been going to this amazing local restaurant. I have noticed that a lot of the ladies who work there wear very similar jewelry. Finally I asked the correct person and found out she makes these amazing pieces! I won’t take her photos from her pages but I will direct you to them!

You can go to her website Fringe Findings here. You can visit her Facebook page here. You can track her down on Instagram here

I really do hope you take a few moments to go visit her site! I will be purchasing some of her jewelry and I can’t wait to get them and wear them! 

Be sure to visit, buy, share, and like her site (on Facebook and Instagram). 

Now let me tell you about the amazing restaurant I go to. It is called Anna’s House. It is a local place that has been around forever or so it seems. However my family had never been there. 

Then last year when I gave up gluten someone mentioned that they had gluten free foods. We decided that we were going to try it out. I have never looked backwards and have been there as often as I can. I hold meetings for our at home companies there with potential customers, downline and current customers. I also have the privilege of meeting a friend there once a week to just make time for each other and to be friends. 

I was watching the Cooking Channel a couple days ago and saw the show Cheap Eats. The show I saw was a rerun but I was so excited to see Grand Rapids, Michigan was on Season 2 Episode 7. Not only was it Grand Rapids, Michigan, they had Anna’s House (East Beltline location) on!  

I am not ashamed to admit that we recorded it and I have watched it a couple times. I can’t help but be proud of my home town. It is a pretty darn amazing place to live and to have local restaurants featured on the Cooking Channel is pretty darn amazing and exciting! 

If you have not have a chance to check out Cheap Eats I high encourage it. If you do not have cables and can not get the Cooking Channel you can check out Ali Khan’s blog here. He does have a blog post about his Grand Rapids, Michigan visit on there as well! 

If you are in the Grand Rapids area and have not had the opportunity to head to one of the local Anna’s House, get there as soon as you can! If you do not want to have a long wait I highly suggest you head there Monday through Thursday. If you do not mind waiting for one of the most amazing meals you will ever have, Friday through Sunday work as well! 

I would love to hear if you check out Fringe Findings, Anna’s House or BangForYourBurgerBuck! 

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