Financial, Getting Healthy, Mind, Work From Home

Life and Thought Changes

Believe In YourselfLast week was a busy week of training. This week is a busy week of training. One thing I have gotten out of it all though (so far) is that you need to really know your why. Not only do you need to know your why, you need to really break down certain things about your business.

So we are working on a personal vision board, a why board, a wheel of life chart and focusing on what we want to be. What do others see when they look at us on social media? I am not sure but I would like to get it defined for us so we know we are conveying what we are.

So much of life is influenced by thoughts. Thoughts come from what others say to you,Need a Mood Booster
what you hear in your own mind, and things that have happened in your life. They all influence the way you act, think and feel. Most of the time it seems negative thoughts come up so much easier than those that are positive. Have you ever noticed that? You are more likely to have negative thoughts creep into your mind than the positive ones?

One of the great things I have seen that I am going to start doing is: write down your negative thoughts and physically toss them out! I don’t need to focus on what  others have said that is negative, I need to be focusing on the positive so that I can believe in myself.

Change is never easy. It never has been and it never will be. When you are changing you Growth Me Changeare stepping out of the comfort zone you have created for yourself! Yes we could all go about just living in that comfort zone but do you want to live there for the rest of your life? If you had asked me a few years ago I probably would have said yes. Now as I am changing, stepping out of that comfort zone, listening to the nudges and going forward it makes me wonder why I waited so long!

I want to grow in my life. I want our children to see both of us grow. I want them to see that making mistakes and not getting things right the first time is not only okay but amazing! Making mistakes teaches you new ways to accomplish things, or how not to accomplish something. It helps you change.

Change and be and is scary most of the time. Going from the known things to the unknown things is like going on the “Tower of Terror” at Disney World! You know it is aManifest it ride, you know you are going to go up and down on a broken/haunted elevator. And yet you don’t know how many floors you will fall, you don’t know how many floors you will go up and no matter how often you ride it – it is never the same.

In a lot of ways making this visual board for our business is scary. We are making our thoughts and wishes known now. Yes, we knew what we wanted but if we keep it in our heads or just to ourselves, if we fail or don’t accomplish our goals it was always just us who knew. We are going from the known to the unknown.

We are putting our hopes, dreams, vision out there for the world to see! That is a big change for us. That is a big step in our growth department. If you think it, ink it because you are more likely to accomplish things you put down on paper. So what is taking so long to get them down?

I can and I willNot having enough belief in who we are as a couple. What we could accomplish if we worked harder, together. Listening to what others would say about different things (like oh my gosh you work for a MLM, a pyramid scheme, an at home business!). Listening to what my past was saying about all the other companies I had tried in the past that went nowhere.

As we are moving forward. As we are stepping into a new phase for what we are about to accomplish. There are some things we can do daily to help us along! We need to get in the habit of:

  1. Throwing our negative thoughts out.
  2. Starting our day with a thanks and praise.
  3. Do our daily affirmations.
  4. Keeping our visual board in front of us.
  5. If you think it, ink it and put it in front of us.
  6. Keeping our schedule for each day.
  7. Remembering our why.
  8. Understand mistakes help you grow and change.
  9. Believe in us.
  10. Know we are changing our life!

Bad days will happen but that leads me back to throwing out our negative thoughts. IMy Daily Affirmations want to be in control of my thoughts. I don’t want my past, the devil or negative people controlling my thoughts. I now have an option. I can literally toss it away. I can tear it up. I can burn the paper. I can do whatever to get rid of it.

We have made some amazing choices about our life in the past thirteen months. We have decided we are changing our future. It has required us to take a really hard and long look at things. We have had to disappoint our kiddos by taking away a vacation we had planned.

However all of the choices we are making is so that we have a better future. We are working hard for this. We are united. We are changing where things are going in our life. That is a really amazing feeling to know we are working together to have a strong future.

What does your future look like? Do you like how it is looking? What would you change if you could? Maybe it is time you make a visual board and if you think it, ink it.

Doesn’t have to be about a business, it can be about changes you want to see take shape in your life as well!







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