Faith, Passing Info On

Team Ricker Update

A lot has been going on for this family. Down to Texas and then a trip to Florida! I have been watching the updates, the photos, the smiles, the memories! It has been a pretty amazing thing to see. 

Yesterday there was an update on their gofundme page. Part of the update is below! Be sure to go and visit their page to get the full update with photos!

Update on Brison and Preston 4/9/2017 

We just spent an amazing week in Destin, Florida with some of our closest friends. We packed a lot of fun into this week and Brison let nothing hold him back! We made so many incredible memories, and also spent some time just relaxing by the pool and on the beach. 

Preston is doing great and other than his scar you would never know he has (HAD) cancer. Looking forward to his next scan to hear the words NED but this won’t be for a few months yet. Please continue to pray that his treatment worked and he will be cancer free!

Brison is doing incredible, he is better than he has been since about this time last year!!! He continues tolerate the additional treatment great. We have held the oral gene targeting meds, as these seem to be what causes him to be fatigue, weak and in pain. He has his next MRI on Friday, so we probably won’t have results until early next week. We are hoping the scans reflect how awesome he has been feeling! After these scans we will determine if we add back in the gene targeting meds.

Please pray hard that the numerous spots of cancer that spread to the lining of his brain and spine will be gone and that the tumor in his pons will be gone too and show signs of healing! We need an army of prayer warriors to make this miracle happen, only God can make this possible! We know he hears us, we see the results of his work from all your prayers daily and for that we are so grateful! 

#rickerstrong #powerofprayer #miracleshappen #webelieve

This is one way I am helping to support them. I am sharing their gofundme page so please be sure to click on it, visit it, and then share it with others! 

Praying for this family on a daily basis and hope that you join me in prayers or good vibes (or whatever it is you do).

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