Getting Healthy, Juice Plus+, Passing Info On, Tower Garden, Work From Home

What We Do Matters

Happy People Create Their FutureNo matter what you are doing in life. No matter where you have gone to school or not gone to school. No matter if you stay at home or work at home or work out of the home.

We all matter. Our choices matter. Our life is important.

I have been watching facebook a lot in the past couple of days and some of the things I have seen really make you think!

I have worked outside the home. I have worked in the home. I have been a stay at home mom. I have gone to school. I have used what I learned in school. Now I do not use what I went to college for.

It has all mattered.

Poll: how many people are currently doing what they went to school for/are trained for? And do you love it, hate it, feel neutral about it? (edit: did you go to school for it early or later in life?)

πŸ’₯Why do I share this? Because MY life has been so wonderfully changed since I learned…and was OPEN to…a better way. You deserve to know it too. πŸ’«

Here is some food for thought!!

68 Macy’s stores closing. 😳
ALL Limited and Sports Authority stores closing. 😳
108 Kmart stores closing.😳
42 Sears stores closing.😳
Things to think about…
* The largest transportation provider in the U.S. doesn’t own a single car (Uber) πŸš—
* The new largest hotel company in the world doesn’t own a single hotel (Airbnb) 🏨
* Amazon just passed Wal-Mart as the nation’s biggest retailer (and, much more valuable) & they don’t own a single store πŸ’³πŸ‘Œ

We are fast becoming an E-Commerce society. I am so thankful that I am already a part of it!

Find a company that is BLOWING UP AND GET INVOLVED!!!! Don’t say NO to what you don’t KNOW… do your research… ask the questions… DIVE IN!!! If you are curious about one of the fastest growing companies in history, I am happy to share with you!

BUSINESS IS BOOMING in the Wellness World! πŸŽπŸ…πŸ’πŸŠπŸ‡πŸ‘

Remember that little project I was working on? Well, hundreds of people eating Juice Plus+ were asked to describe it in 3 words…check out what they had to say:

  • Best insurance policy
  • Changing my future
  • Experience the plus
  • Won’t live without
  • Peace of mind
  • No more meds
  • Absolutely life changing
  • Inspiring healthy living
  • Changed my life
  • So much energy
  • One healthy momma
  • Financial freedom family
  • Amazing fantastic unbelievable
  • Energetic healthy pregnancy
  • No more allergies
  • Healthier for life
  • Clarity energy stamina
  • Bridge the gap
  • No more migraines
  • No more pain
  • Real healthy energy
  • Changed our lives
  • No more vitamins
  • Best choice ever
  • Healthy overwhelming happiness
  • No more depression
  • Quick yummy meals
  • Lowest weight ever
  • Greatest investment around
  • Total life changer
  • Never felt better
  • Healthy freedom fun
  • Saved my life
  • Energizing beyond belief
  • Can’t do without
  • Lots of confidence
  • Exciting new lifestyle
  • Changed our lives
  • Health is wealth
  • Never going back
  • Kids love it
  • Living your best
  • Life changing products
  • Just makes sense
  • Best decision ever
  • One simple change

The power of fruits, vegetables, and berries!!!

~ Nancy J. Kroupa

 Loving people where they are as others have done that for me over and over again.
 Give What You've GotIt is so important to respect people. To respect their choices. It is their life. It is their choice. All you should do is love them where they are with those choices. It does not mean stand by and watch them make bad choices that are hurtful or harmful, I am talking less extreme things here.
That is what I am doing these days. I am providing information for those who are looking. I am saying it isn’t a problem if they are not interested. I am talking with them if they want to. I am honoring everyone right where they are.
I hope, that if you have an at home business or brick and motar business that you have enough honor and respect for those who come in to allow them to make their own choices.

If your friend sells Essential Oils, try it!
If your friend sells Lip Sense, try it!
If your friend sells Plexus, try it!
If your friend sells Rodan + Fields, try it!
If your friend sells Premiere Jewelry, try it!
If your friend sells Pampered Chef, try it!
If your friend sells LuLa Roe, try it!
If your friend sells on an Etsy shop, buy it!

If your friend sells whole food nutrition, buy it!

So, the next time you are walking into a Yankee candle, think about your friend who sells Scentsy & how they are putting children through college.

Next time you walk into Sephora, think about that Younique rep who has an 8 month old & is trying to buy a house.

When you shop at a William Sonoma, think about your friend who sells Pampered Chef & how they are working a 2nd job to pay the bills & build a legacy for their kids.

The next time you go into a whole food store or health store to buy a supplement or protein shake, think about your friend who sells Juice Plus+ and how they are working to help others gain health and nutrition to get out of debt and create a healthly life for her family.

At the end of the day, we’re just a bunch of people, trying to build a better life for our family, and reach for our dreams by growing a perfectly respectable business with a business model that’s been around for over a hundred years. πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸ»

I’m so very thankful for those who are helping to make my (home based) business a success, and sending referrals to help it grow. Seriously, THANK YOU πŸ’•! I wouldn’t own this business, if I didn’t whole heartedly believe in the products and what the business model can do for individuals and families. It’s opening doors that I’ve always dreamed about.

Our family is working on changing our life with what we do best. Jack works out of theLove People Where They Are home and works two home based businesses. I am a stay at home mom who helps my husband work two home based businsses. I volunteer on Friday nights at our church and my kiddos are watching and helping now as well.

We are working hard to get out of debt, to get healthly, to own our lives, to provide for our children and ourselves. We are making life changes, simple changes, small changes that take time and effort.

No matter what you are doing. No matter how you are doing it. It all matters. Take some time to be nice to others who are working just as hard for their life as you are for your life. No matter the path they are taking to get there, they feel it is the current path they are supposed to be on.

Maybe they know there is more and they are looking. Don’t shoot them down, don’t dismiss their dreams, their hopes, their wishes. Support people where they are are, love them where they are at because what they are doing matters.

Don't let 1 person stop your dream

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