Faith, Getting Healthy, Mental Health, Passing Info On, Work From Home, Young Living Essential Oils

Week Summary

This week has had its ups and downs. This is going to be a very short summary.

Monday was busy with getting ready for the make-n-take party. Things didn’t really go as planned and yet went really well. I learned a lot and have a lot to learn. Monday was also a day of heartbreak with realizing the reality of my oldest sons issues. I knew he was self medicating but didn’t really realize how much. He is an alcoholic, he needs help, he is bipolar, he needs help, he has a lot of anger, he needs help, he lies/steals/manipulates, and most of all he needs help.

Tuesday was completely unexpected. I was tired and broken. Jack’s tire blew on the way to work and he walked home. The youngest two and I walked to the car, waited for a tow truck, went to get the tire fixed, walked to McDonalds, walked back to the tire place,went to the pet store, went to grandmas, got home just in time for Bella to make it to soccer, ran Adam to practice, ran to Jack David’s open house and then finally made it home. Later that night the kiddos started to feel sick. Ended up cancelling Bible Study for the next day.

Wednesday didn’t have much going on. Just worked around the house and Bella’s open house.

Thursday was filled with more running around. Mother in laws, store, football game, trying to fix the bank account (bank got it worked out), picking up a friend and him purchasing a book and inscribing it for my oldest (AA Big Book). Also had my niece and nephew all day and babysat my great niece for a while.

Friday, today, As I sit here I am wondering where today went. My kit kat (kitty) had to have surgery today. His tail got stuck in a door over the weekend. I had been treating it with coconut oil and lavender. Was really hoping it would just magically heal on its own but the reality was it would not. So he had surgery today. On the plus side he had zero infection – so my witch doctor ways (as my middle son calls it) did what needed to be done so that he didn’t lose more of his tail than needed. The vet was very impressed with how well I had maintained it until today (yes I am patting myself on the back right now). People can say what they want, I have learned a few things over the last few years and I am using them well. I feel as if we ran all over today. I came home after everything and told Jack I needed a date. So we tried a new restaurant (almost everything was gluten free and those things that were not had the option to be) and went shopping at Goodwill.

I'm Yours

I spent a lot of my week reminding myself of the poem I wrote. Pretty sure I am going to print it out and stick it on the wall in front of me.

It has been a week. Even with the week it has been, God has provided all week long.

I am very blessed. I pray that your week; even if it had ups and downs, was guided and you felt God with you.

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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*We only recommend one brand for ingesting essential oils. Young Living has a Seed to Seal commitment and promise. They are a pure therapeutic grade essential oil. Always be sure to read the label for directions on usage for each individual essential oil.

*We only recommend one brand for whole food nutrition. Juice Plus+ is very selective with their suppliers of the fruits and veggies and vineyard selections. We want to make sure if we are with a company that they have our best interests in mind! Always be sure to read the nutrition label for directions on usages of each whole food nutrition capsule.

*Any of the links you click on from Think One Change leads to the potential that you could be providing a commission for us.


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