Education, Essential Oils, Juice Plus+, Young Living Essential Oils

Energy, Do You Have It?

I could have screamed from the rooftops today! Got the lawnmower out of the garage. That was a huge feat in itself! It was buried in the back of the (leftover hurricane mess) garage. Then I mowed the front and side lawn.

After that I came inside and got some things in the house taken care of. It was a great feeling! Really it was amazing today.

I mowed the lawn and I wasn’t dying of exhaustion, my body wasn’t in complete ache mode and it has to do with making small, simple changes over a longer period of time!

Life isn’t always easy. Making good choices isn’t always easy. There are moments I would love to open the freezer and pull out the ice cream and pile on the chocolate. But I have started to use MyFitnessPal and so I open that up first to see where my calories for the day are at and usual that is enough to stop me from eating it.

Life is always going to be about choices and I have decided that as an adult who wants to see her children graduate, walk down the isle, play with grandchildren and enjoy life and old age with my best friend; I have to make better choices.

So we started our health journey a while ago. We are, as a family, slowly seeing improvements!

Today I mowed the lawn for the first time this season, and I did it with energy the whole time, and I had energy when I was down, and to me that is amazing small steps and progress!

How can we help you on your journey to health?

Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy ?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

*We only recommend one brand for ingesting essential oils. Young Living has a Seed to Seal commitment and promise. They are a pure therapeutic grade essential oil. Always be sure to read the label for directions on usage for each individual essential oil.

*We only recommend one brand for whole food nutrition. Juice Plus+ is very selective with their suppliers of the fruits and veggies and vineyard selections. We want to make sure if we are with a company that they have our best interests in mind! Always be sure to read the nutrition label for directions on usages of each whole food nutrition capsule.

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