Education, Essential Oils, Giveaway, Young Living Essential Oils

Grow or Balance Your Faith

Young Living has this new set of oils. You can get it in a collection or as individuals. I guess it isn’t really new but it is still sort of new.

It is the Infused 7. Today we are looking at the Young Living Faith – Inspired by Oola Essential Oil! You can use them alone or you can use them with Oola Balance or Grow essential oil!

FaithFaith is defined as a complete trust or confidence in someone or something. It is your purpose in life. How you see your place in this world is something that you need to explore to attain Oola. The INFUSED Faith Inspired by Oola essential oil blend has been specifically formulated to help you feel grateful, humble and fully secure in your place in this world. This confidence-boosting blend enhances spiritual awareness and connectedness. Faith Affirmation: I am grateful, humble, and fully connected.
Oola Grow

Young Living and Oola have partnered together to offer this one of a kind essential oil blend Oola Grow. This blend is designed to help you reach unlimited potential and growth in many aspects of life. Whether it’s emotional, spiritual, or mental, Oola Grow gives you courage to focus on the task at hand and helps you move forward towards positive advancements and progression.

Oola BalanceYoung Living and Oola have partnered together to offer this one of a kind essential blend Oola Balance. This blend is designed to align and balance your center giving you an increase in concentration with a positive outlook. As mind and body are balanced, the ability to focus on passions, behaviors, and health are amplified for the better.

Praise God

Are you needing to have balance or growth in your faith? I have not tried this oil yet and I can’t wait to be able to do so.

Our Women’s Bible study is reading a book right now called, “Greater” by Steven Furtick. It is talking about not doing this huge things in your life, but being greater and more intentional with your walk with God. What He calls you to do, no matter what it is; a smile, a word of praise, a speech, petting a dog; as long as you are doing it with Him it the greatest thing you can do.

I am hoping that this oil will help me grow that greatness inside of me!

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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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